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Bring back Free Qlik Sense Desktop

Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II

Bring back Free Qlik Sense Desktop

Hello all,

First of all, thanks Qlik to let us (customers, users, partners) speak out and suggest new ideas. This one may be a little controversial.

I think the free Qlik Sense Desktop was one of the best ideas you ever had : it allowed a huge amount of users to test, develop extension, train before making the purchase decision. But more, from a partner perspective, it allowed us to show Qlik Sense with just a connection required. Another common use case I have : I can spend sometimes 10 hours in train during a week and I would like to go further on some work, such as a hard set analysis or some cosmectic changes on an app, while the connection is not available.

Another thing : on QlikView, we had a personal edition, nothing required. Great way to introduce the product to customers.

The idea is to be even freer than before :
-totally free QSD
-connection not required.

Best regards,


Bi Consultant (Dataviz & Dataprep) @ Business & Decision
Tags (3)

I personally have try power BI recently , because Qlik sense  is not more free trail. 
hope Qlik will continuous free desktop . And improve on mobile support . As power BI is very strong in mobile support. 

Contributor II
Contributor II

As I said in my previous post, thanks to this decision by QLik, on my personal use I am using PowerBI.

On my work, after a few years experimenting QLikSense, I personally push us to buy a lot of licenses( we are a government branch) so I think the strategy to have Free QlikSense was very successful, given the fact that I don't think it brings a lot of extra costs to Qlik and it is a great way to market the toll. 

In my personal use, it just doesn't make sense to buy a license, so I will always try the free option. Now it is PowerBI!!

Creator II
Creator II

At least make the Technical Previews free… I can only do enterprise authentication on my work laptop. Earlier, I was evaluating the Technical previews on my personal laptop, but not anymore..


Thank you for your idea. The Qlik Sense Desktop is available via a valid Qlik Sense license, either from Qlik Sense Enterprise Client-Managed or SaaS Editions of Qlik Sense.

In cases a customer/product wants to try our product, the recommended path is via a Qlik Sense Business Trial or to engage with a partner or a Qlik account manager.

Once the trial is in place, the customer will have the option of using Qlik Sense Dekstop, which after the initial authentication will allow offline usage for 30 days prior to requiring a new authentication.

Status changed to: Closed - Declined
Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II

Hello @Caique_Zaniolo ,

Yes, i know all of that, I am a partner myself and a lot of people that voted for this idea are partner too. I have understood the way you see it and I disagree. That' why I give you this honest feedback. When the competitors offer free trials, sometimes free software, you have to do the same (or having such a reputation in the industry that you don't have to). If I want to try a software,  I won't try to contact a salesman, I will download the free trial, or the free version, have an idea of the look and feel, the features, the ease of use and then only contact the salesman for a POC or to engage deeper.  For the anecdote, a few month ago, one of my customers had some trouble on Tableau with his data model. I just download the free version of Alteryx, and less than 1 hour later we solded an issue he was struggling with for days... As of today, he's the best sponsor I have in his company for Alteryx. That what I would call an oppourtinistic sale, that require a huge reactivity. This change in the strategy made also a lot of frustration in Qlik users community and I have a doubt you will make more money with the licence. 

Thanks for reading.

Best regards,


Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

My two cents: Qlik Sense Dekstop authentication is a good option to be able to continue using it for local development, demos, etc. However, the fact that it requires communication to a Qlik Server Enterprise is very limiting for those who have a the QSE unreachable from the exterior (in a VPN, behind a firewall, etc.)

The idea below could help with that, but it has been marked as delivered already even if it itsn't available yet:


I am struggling with this like the others, the issue that many of the qlikview developers when they start their career to get their first qlik sense job, they used to download the free version and learn on that version on all aspects they want to learn and then they will get a couple of online courses and be ready to capture their first job, I don't know how those new developers will be able to learn anything about qlik sense any more, it is frustrating as it gets, and for sure, I will work on switching to another tool like powerBI 


I agree wholeheartedly with what the other users have said. When I first started with Qlikview back in 2017 the training I got at work was pretty bare bones so having a free desktop version I could play around with was crucial to me becoming familiar with the product. I also ended up liking it enough to use it for personal projects.

My company hasn't made the switch to Qliksense yet but having a free desktop only version seems even more important especially since there seems to be more of a push towards extension and widget development. As far as I can tell Qliksense desktop is the best way to create and test custom widgets and extensions especially for someone who doesn't have an official programming background. I was able to make a variable manager extension at home prior to Qliksense dropping the free version, but I wouldn't feel comfortable using that new cli interface on QlikDev. 

Not only that, but from my perspective Qlik kinda struggles with marketing itself. Often times when I talk to people from other companies in similar roles to mine they haven't even heard of Qlik. This is a shame because I think Qlik is a solid product and I really like how they handle filtering. Like when I look at Tableau or PowerBi public dashboards I legitimately cringe when using their filters compared to Qliks. Once I even showed a Qlikview dashboard to someone who was a Tableau user and he was impressed with what it could do. He said something like "Tableau can make a pretty picture but Qlik seems more advanced with its filters and gives you a much more complete and detailed view of your data".

The problem is you can't always explain it well with words, people often need to experience it first hand. PowerBi and Tableau both have large public galleries where people who are passionate about data vizualization can share their creations. Qlik doesn't seem to have that, but they arguably need it the most.

Contributor II
Contributor II

I am also a convert from Qlik to Power BI. I think many of us would do a comeback if we could have an individual developer kind of licencing without all the authentication on the cloud nonsense. 

Hope the idea gets traction and we can use Qlik Sense again.

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

This would be great. 
I like to experiment in my personal capacity and do not always have access to a Qlik license to do so. This is now limiting me to get frustrated with Power BI as this is the only free option out there these days. I believe that most of us that love Qlik do not only use it in professional capacity and like to test out new features as they are released.

If needed add some encryption on the QVF/QVW files to only be able to open on the installed desktop version and computer, if no license available. This should not be too hard to do.