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Create an intermediate role in Qlik Cloud, to allow users to create only Spaces unconnected to Forts


Create an intermediate role in Qlik Cloud, to allow users to create only Spaces unconnected to Forts

From a customer:
I understand Forts are linked to Spaces and only users having access to specific space can create the Apps.
But as a SaaS + Forts admin, I want my team to be able to create Spaces in Qlik Cloud (By giving them Space creator roles) but at the same time my compute resources on Forts is limited, and I do not want them to create spaces associated with Forts.
Is there a role that I can assign that gives users rights to Create spaces in Qlik Cloud without letting them create Spaces connected to Forts?

Daniele - Principal Technical Support Engineer & SaaS Support Coordinator at Qlik
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