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Make GetObjectField() available in all parts of an object


Make GetObjectField() available in all parts of an object

Today, when designing a Qlik Sense object with alternative dimensions it is hard to create dynamic behaviour based on which dimension is choosen. 

Example 1: Header
I would like to dynamicly set the object header based on which dimension is choosen in my object. 

Header:  ='Sum of sales per' & #My active dimension#

Example 2:

I also would like to create an an aggregated average calculation as a reference line using the active dimension the dimension used in my aggr.

Ref Line:  =avg(aggr(Sum(Sales), #My active dimension# )


I believe this could easily be accomplished by letting the function GetObjectField() become available in all parts of an Qlik Sense chart object, not only in the measure and dimension expressions. 

My suggestion is that GetObjectField() becomes available in these locations as well:

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Footer
  • Reference line expression.

About GetObjectField()


Thank you for your feedback on ways to improve our product. While this is something we understand would be useful, it's not on the short-term roadmap. Please continue to show your support for this idea.



Status changed to: Open - Collecting Feedback

Hello, this is really needed, along with getobjectmeasure() for dynamically modifying the title of charts.

Contributor II
Contributor II

I agree that this is really needed. Having getobjectmeasure() is crucial for customers to know what data they are looking at. Having a generic title for a chart with alternate measures can lead to misinterpretation and therefore incorrect decisions. Furthermore, clicking the 3 dots to select alternate measures is not intuitive so I already have to use up one of the title fields to explain to click the 3 dots, then click Exploration Menu in order to select alternate measures. Having more clarity all around is necessary and appreciated. Thank you.

Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

It would be very useful to show the selected measure and/or dimensions in a chart with alternative measures and/or dimension. The names on both axes are too small to read properly, thus allow for misinterpretation of the data the user is looking at. Is this something that will be developed in Qlik Sense Enterprise?

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

It would be very useful !! thanks 

Contributor II
Contributor II

Am still hoping we can to get this feature! This would be so beneficial and improve charts!

Creator III
Creator III

I need it so mutch! It would be very very useful!

Contributor II
Contributor II

I agree, this needs adding. In fact, I was quite embarrassed when I had to explain to users that this is not possible at the moment.

Contributor III
Contributor III

You can use a variable with the name of field you are selected in a "one value only" list (loaded in ETL) instead of Alternative Dimensions or Alternative measures...

It works (only remember to use correctly square brakets [ ] ).


From now on, please track this idea from the Ideation portal. 

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