We like to configure 'on open' triggers. This helps to automatically select the most recent or most interesting data for our users when an app is opened.
Not completely. What I am missing is using an expressions to dynamically determine which selection should be made when opening a document. I don't think this is possible with a default bookmark. Or do you know how to achieve this?
Only if you model it in the data. e.g. have a calendar which links to a value in a field called "Current Week" (shameless plug: https://www.ometistoolkit.com/tools/timeawarecalendar does this and calls it "report period description"). e.g. have a value in a field called "Default bookmark" and link it into your fact table on whatever keys you want it to open on. But since default bookmarks are per app and static in the sense of selecting values in fields, this wouldn't lead to different filters for different people... unless you had section access limiting it for them.
@Patric_Nordstrom will these also be compatible with NPrinting? For QlikView triggers are unsupported with NPrinting and should be removed. I think it's important the NPrinting can handle these new Sense Triggers. Thanks!