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Option to zip or not zip reports created with cycling feature


Option to zip or not zip reports created with cycling feature

When distributing reports through e-mail using a cycle Field, NPrinting always zip the output, no matter if it´s one PDF.


For outputs like Excel, Word, Powerpoint and PDF, it´s desirable to have an option enable or not zip the output or maybe a threshold of number of individual outputs, if it´s higher, than the output is zipped, if it´s below then it´s attached as individual files. For Example: If number of individual pdf files generated by cycle for a recipient exceed 10 files, then he will receive it in a zip file.


I'm aware of mailbox limits, so zipping the content is better, but even with zip as attachment, the mailbox limit can be exceeded.


This feature can help us to migrate a legacy reporting system that actually send reports as individual pdf files and customer want to keep receiving reports by e-mails in same way after NPrinting implementation. Customer can open the reports directly on his mobile. With zip attachment, it´s only possible to open it in the desktop.


This idea comes from old ideation board. I just copy and paste it here.

Best Regards,
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Contributor III
Contributor III

This is a really annoying feature, having just moved over to v21 from v16, we have daily reports which go out by hospital along with Weekly & Monthly Versions of reports all of which use the Cycle feature, i have so many complaints from the hospitals about broken processes because of this useless automatic feature of Zipping Files that use a Cycle. WHY!!!!!!!!!! do this.

So i will now have re-create all the reports as individual reports which is going to take days of work to replicate the work of the Cycle process.

If i had known this was a feature of v21 i would of stayed on v16, as i have other issues that i need to create a work around such as having a folder location as a Recipient which you cant do on the new version.

My experience with this new version is not one i would recommend to others, who are using non-Qlik products or are still using v16.


Hi @cupelix-qlik ,

I'm sorry for this, I will notify the message internally. Thanks for the feedback.

The output formats are documented in case it could help you.

Best Regards,


Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor


When will it be possible to get Cycle reports outside the zip? Is this on the roadmap ?

Many Thanks


Contributor III
Contributor III

Nprinting should give additional feature to uncheck zip file in Cycle enable with sub task. It will provide more flexibility to produce reports according to the customers. And customer's experience will be raised towards Qlik automation.


Hi, this idea has been in "Not Planned" status for over a year and is still not in consideration. If you'd like to open a new request, please visit the Browse and Suggest page and click "Suggest features" and open a new request.


Status changed to: Closed - Archived