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Replicate CT Tables Header_Columns Upper Case

Contributor III
Contributor III

Replicate CT Tables Header_Columns Upper Case


As a part of our requirement, we would like to have all columns including CT table columns asUpper Case. But in the task settings for Change Processing, Replicate is creating all of the Header columns in CT tables as lower case. We would like to have them as Upper Case as we need to double quote them to query unless they are created with Upper Case. Is there a way to create them Upper Case with Global Transformation or something?

I've also checked with support, they've requested me to post this as an Ideation topic for future enhancement (Case - 02165229)


Thank you,

Sandilya Dongar.

Former Employee
Former Employee

Thank you for the suggestion.  What sources and targets do you need this for?  What is the use case for this requirement?  Thank you!

Status changed to: Open - New
Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Shelley,


Our source is 'SQL Server' and target is 'Snowflake on Azure'.

Use Case:

If we want to query header columns from CT tables, we had to double-quote the values as they were created in lower-case which is not recommended by our developing team to use double-quotes around few objects & not around few (cause we are converting all of our tables/columns to uppercase with Global Transformations). So we would like this feature enabled to able to create header columns as uppercase in order to have consistent coding standards.

While moving objects to Snowflake, Replicate automatically enables double-quotes around objects (there is no option to disable it in replicate) and hence these header columns are created in lower-case. Moreover Replicate sets the session paramerter 'quoted_identifiers_ignore_case' to 'false' by default(can't be updated to 'true')  which rules out the option of case-sensitivity from Snowflake standpoint.

So, inorder to not use double-quotes for these header columns - only option is to create them with  uppercase and there is no way around to do that in Replicate currently.

Thank you,

Sandilya D.

Former Employee
Former Employee

Hi Sandilya,

We do plan to expose an internal parameter for Snowflake with the upcoming May release to control QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS_IGNORE_CASE parameter.

Would this alleviate the issue for you?  You can try this with the Technical Preview that is currently available and add the internal parameter "setIgnoreCaseFlag" to true.



Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Shelley,

Could you let me know how to get hands on with the 'Tehnical Preview'  and how to set the parameter to try what you've suggested?

Thank you,

Sandilya D.

Former Employee
Former Employee

Yes, you'll find information and downloads for the Technical Preview here:

When Managing Endpoint Connections, you should see a link to add internal parameters on the Advanced tab.


Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Shelley,

After installing 'Technical  Preview', we're unable to access the above parameter as mentioned.

Could you guide us through what needs to be done after installing it inorder to able to see that param.




Sandilya D.

Former Employee
Former Employee

This parameter is only available for Snowflake targets - it looks like you have another endpoint selected?

Contributor III
Contributor III

Nope, our target is Snowflake on Azure.

Former Employee
Former Employee

Are you editing the parameters for the Snowflake target though?  The internal parameters are set for each individual endpoint, and in your screenshot it looks like you have another endpoint selected (a SQL source).

Contributor III
Contributor III

That makes sense. Thank you I was able to find it. Will test it and let you know how it goes.