Please provide more feedback on how you would like to see this work.
There is a deprecated, hidden module called Scheduler that allows you to schedule entity loads, prepare dataflows, or/and publish jobs into a serial process. Note it is entity loads.
Your request mentions scheduling for sources.
Would you like to see something different than the deprecated scheduler or the scheduler? If the scheduler, is it sufficient for what you seek or are you looking for something in addition to that?
I think re-open the hidden scheduler is a start. Recently, we have more clients looking for a scheduling capability for data load as well as prepare workflow. The idea of calling API is also not well received since they have already spent $ on software and now they have write extra code / script.
Thanks. I understand that the lack of scheduling of loads is a gap and you say that the scheduler module is a start, but you didn't really address my question.
If it is a start, it is not in and of itself enough. What more would you like to see?
I think we ought to look at a pan-product scheduler and job tracker - across Replicate, Compose, Catalog, and Sense. That seems to make the most sense.