Users want to scroll different charts simultaneously. Add a feature to sync scrolling between multiple chart objects.
For example, I have two bar charts that have the same dimensions but different measures. I have them sorted so that the dimensions are in the exact same order. However, I have to constantly scroll Bar Chart A to where I want then manually scroll Bar Chart B to the same position. There are times where applying a selection makes sense thus limiting both charts to the exact same data. However, if I ever need to compare across the values of a dimension applying selections is not feasible.
Another benefit would be in applications of Alternate States. Allowing me to filter Table A to the rows I want to see but then Table B is in an alternate state and remains static. The tables have the same columns so synchronized scrolling would work to allow me to compare my selection to the full population.
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry