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Experience the convenience of a smarter, more efficient file management system today!

We have introduced our new Enhanced File Management feature in Qlik Cloud—making organization effortless. Now you can seamlessly structure your uploaded and cloud-generated files into directories and subdirectories, giving you full control over your data.

With batch actions like move, copy, cut, and paste, managing multiple files has never been easier or faster. Streamline your workflow, reduce clutter, and stay organized with just a few clicks.

Data Structure.png

This feature has been rolled out in the following regions as per:

  • Oct 7th (Mon): SE+JP+UK - 14:00 CET/08:00 ET
  • Oct 9th (Wed): DE+SG+AP - 14:00 CET/08:00 ET
  • Oct 14th (Mon): US - 15:00 CET/09:00 ET
  • Oct 16th (Wed): EU 14:00 CET/08:00 ET 


In this blog post we will cover:


Where to access the folder structure

The new features are accessible in your Data files menu for each space. 

  1. First, navigate to your Space and click Space Details
  2. Choose Data files

    space details and data files.png

  3. You'll now have access to additional options, such as creating, copying, or deleting folders

    create a new folder.png

Create folder hierarchies and organize files into them

Each space (Personal, Shared, Managed, and Data) in Qlik Cloud Analytics contains its own structure of folders organized in a hierarchical fashion. Data files can be organized in nested folder structures. For example, within your personal space, you might want to have separate folders for Order Data and Budget Data

The location of a file or folder within a space is shown in its path. The path uses / symbols to represent when a folder is nested within other folders. 

For example, suppose within your personal space, you have separate folders for Order Data and Budget Data. If you have a data file named Orders_2024_December.QVD in your Order Data folder, this file would be located in the following folder path within your personal space: 

Personal/Order Data 


Perform bulk operations on files and folders

Files and folders can be moved to different spaces or locations within the same space. You can also move multiple items at a time using the Cut and Paste actions, either from the menu or through keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-C, CTRL-V, CTRL-X).


Reference space folder structure in Sense app and script development 

LOAD statements in the load script

When you use files in spaces to add data to apps and scripts, the folder location in the space is referenced and required.

Examples: Reference to file at the top-level path of a space

This example loads the file orders.csv from a personal space. The file is not located within any specific folder but sits at the top-level path in the space.

LOAD * FROM [lib://DataFiles/orders.csv]; 

This example loads the file orders.csv from a shared, managed, or data space. The name of the space is TeamSharedSpace. The file is not located within any specific folder but sits at the top-level path in the space.

LOAD * FROM [lib://TeamSharedSpace:DataFiles/orders.csv]; 

Examples: References to specific folder path within a space

This example loads the file orders_Europe.csv from the folder Orders By Region within a personal space.

LOAD * FROM [lib://DataFiles/Orders By Region/orders_Europe.csv];

This example loads the file orders_Europe.csv from the folder Orders By Region within a shared, managed, or data space. The name of the space is SalesSpace.

LOAD * FROM [lib://SalesSpace:DataFiles/Orders By Region/orders_Europe.csv];

Store statements

When you add a Store statement to store data from a load script into Qlik Cloud Analytics, the folder location in the space is referenced and required.

Example: Storing file at the top-level path of a space

In this example, the entire table mytable is exported into Qlik Cloud Analytics as a file named myfile.qvd. The file is added to the shared space TeamSharedSpace. The file is not located within any specific folder but sits at the top-level path in the space.

Store * from mytable into [lib://TeamSharedSpace:DataFiles/myfile.qvd];

Example: Storing file to a specific folder path within a space

In this example, the entire table mytable is exported into Qlik Cloud Analytics as a file named myfile.qvd. The file is added to the folder SalesData within the space TeamSharedSpace.

Store * from mytable into [lib://TeamSharedSpace:DataFiles/SalesData/myfile.qvd];

Inserting QVS code

When inserting QVS code into a load script, the folder location in the space is referenced and required.

Example: Referencing QVS file at the top-level path of a space

In this example, the file test.qvs is referenced in the load script. The file is located in the space TeamSharedSpace. The file is not located within any specific folder but sits at the top-level path in the space.


Example: Referencing QVS file in a specific folder path within a space

In this example, the file test.qvs is referenced in the load script. The file is located in the folder SalesData within the space TeamSharedSpace.




The Qlik Cloud Documentation has been updated with comprehensive information about the new feature.


Thank you for choosing Qlik,
Qlik Support

Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Great new feature !

Quick question : What about Qlik Data Transfer ? Is it compatatible with this new feature ?
I mean, can it tranfert files with the possible tree structure ?




@guillaume_f - it is not yet available for Qlik Data Transfer and am not aware of the plans there, if they exist.


Hi, originally I proposed such a feature for the on premise version. Will this be available at some time as well?

Contributor III
Contributor III

It would be nice to see the folders within the space itself for a cleaner look. 

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

@mg_gsi_da what do you mean by having this in onprem version?
Doesn't it already have folder management using native windows file manager?

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

Finally after years of waiting! This feature should have been available since day 1 because all previous Qlik Environments were forever orgainzed this way and many partner frameworks for ETL processes and customer enviroments relied on this capability. But better late then never. 

Is the STORE statement able to create new subfolders on first storage of a QVD (like it is in QSEoW and QlikView for years)? This is absolutelty necessary for flexible, parametrizied script processes. 

What would be really helpfull and something new would be an integrated file editor which can oben and edit not only the QVS but als CSV (with search, order and replace features) and *Excel* directly (often used for ETL process control metadata or to enrich data models), because otherwise the files need to be transfered for edit purposes more often (or need to be place on Office 365 Sharepoint which comes with other limitations).

Another point which needs big and urgent improvement is the Debugger - especially in the area of handling QVS Includes and navigating in dem while debugging or more precise stopping at a break point and before starting the execution again. It is necessary to then be able to freely navigate in the include code (like for 15+ years in QlikView), better searchability of variables and so on. This is also a basic features missed in QSEoW for 10 years now - and i'm sure everyone who has before worked with QlikView on complex ETLs or application models with QVS includes will agree on that.


Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi @guillaume_f , @chrisortega !  Too bad the folder structure is not supported in Qlik Data Transfer.  Is it worthwhile to create a new feature request, or is QDT going to be retired soon?




Contributor III
Contributor III

Greate features, why upload ability but no download? 

What If I want to share a QVD...


Very cool! 

I couldn't find any reference to it, but in the case of images/ thumbnails for corporate identity, could we now use a single copy from a file-upload ( as used to be possible with on-prem ) instead of uploading a copy to each app?



Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

@110 i don't think so because on-prem you use for this purpose a content lib which represents a published folder of the underlying web server and were the access can be controlled over security rules. But content libs are another missing feature in the Qlik Cloud for years. 

The purpose of this feature here is to help organized and structure hugh amounts of files (QVD, CSV, QVS and so on) with shared data and code between application and enable therefore common logic and data to be reused in a consistent way. The goal of this is to increase maintainability and consistency of big environements ...

- for data: write the QVD only with/from 1 task, but read it with many following tasks (on this point, we need the ability to schedule tasks mit n predecessors on success of reload like in QSEoW with improved task administration in the console and filtering and navigation of the task dependencies @Sonja_Bauernfeind ; and no Qlik App Automation or should I call it QAA 😉 is not the solution for it)

- for QVS: maintain the shared logic in one place and reuse it per $(Include=...) in many, therefore normally this feature gets combined with the use of sub/call. But this is also the reason why a better debugger as well as the ability to edit the QVS files directly form the new file management without download/edit/upload cycles.