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Count with Group-by function in script

Hi Qlik community, 

I'm new Qlik product I'm facing a issue any one helps

I have a sample data which is attached picture here, i need to count with group-by, for this i wrote like this:


Load Prod, Year & '-' & Month as KEY, Price; Load Prod, Year, Month, Price from Table1;


Load Ord. No, Year & '-' & Month as KEY, Id; Load Ord. No, Year, Month, Id from Table2;



Load Id, Count (Id) as Count_Id Resident Table2

Group By Id;

But it's not met my requirement, what should i do to achieve expected result from script and where i'm wrong? and one more question, for this row -level set analysis will works, if yes, what is syntax?

Any help wuold be appreciated.

Thanks in advance. 


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