Integration, Extension & APIs

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Export Data Qlik Sense - Data Truncated

We're doing an implementation on a client with Qlik Sense, and they need to generate a report based on a table. The object is a simple table and must be exported based on selections (filters) given by generating export data to Excel, said that the data has been truncated, and the table is not exported with the full data off an alert at the time of export where it says that the data has been truncated

It has been consulted in the community and informs an extension that works and exports all the records in csv, but is not functional when you select (filter) so this solution is not feasible performed.

Also on the Help of Qlik Sense on the web talking about a method called ExportData but I have not managed correctly set or not if that is the solution.

Your cooperation in this area is essential for the complete customer information when generating reports from Qlik Sense.


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