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Task reload failure


Few of the recurring tasks fail at random in my environment and when checked for the Log folder, i could not find file which captured the failure. What could be the reason for this behaviour?

However i have got the error from the tasks list and it is pasted below.

2017-02-21 11:00:39 UTC

Message from ReloadProvider: Task failed due to timeout getting engine connection

2017-02-21 11:00:39 UTC

Changing task state from Queued to FinishedFail

2017-02-21 10:30:39 UTC

Changing task state from Started to Queued

2017-02-21 10:30:38 UTC

Changing task state from Triggered to Started

2017-02-21 10:30:36 UTC

Trying to start task. Sending task to slave-node xxxxxx.xxxx


11 Replies
Creator II
Creator II

Which version of Qlik Sense are you on? Regarding your questions:

a) I could not find file which captured the failure. -- The error files you can find on Scheduler node at "E:\Qlik\Sense\Log\Script" or in archived logs (E:\Qlik\Sense\Repository\Archived Logs) at central node.

b) Looking at the content looks like task failed after 30 minutes. You might want to increase this parameter in QMC > Scheduler > Engine Timeout (in mins)

Not applicable

Thanks for your reply Jai.

a)  I can see the log files in the central node, but could not find the one which captures the failed task. Why is it so?

b) Will there be an impact on other related things if i just increase the timeout parameter? What all should be considered before i increase the timeout?

Creator II
Creator II

a) Did you try searching with app id? also have a look at trace folder of scheduler node.

b) This setting is implemented globally so you will have to consider about total # of tasks, concurrent tasks, # of scheduler etc.

Not applicable

a) Yes i found the log entry but it says that the execution finished. Could not find the one with failed error.


Creator II
Creator II

Does this "execution finished" within the timelimit of 30 minutes? I would expect to find the failed log files in the same path.

Not applicable

Hi Ganesh...

Create a task from QMC to the app in question with once only trigger and start the task from the QMC tasks... Once it fails click on the info it will give option to download script log.. save on your desk top and open it .. will open in text file format..


Contributor III
Contributor III


We are experiencing the same situation and message. Reviewing this post, it appears it was never answered .

Was there a resolution?

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

we are facing the same problem here...

and when we click "start" and re run the task in a different time, it works

does anyone can help?

thanks in advance

Contributor III
Contributor III


We were able to resolve this problem by staggering the task execution start times. We had numerous tasks that started at similar times, but definitely overlapped. Granted, they should have "queued", but did not because of this failure. We also have the Qlik SAP Connector. Though not verified, we suspect the connector (which does not perform as well as a direct SQL connector) may have had something to do with the issue as well.

Finally, we also cleaned out our Qlik log files which were quite large (we had never cleaned them out).

Hopefully, some of these actions will help resolve your issues as well!