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There are now many new ways a filter pane can be customized to change its appearance and/or functionality. In this blog, I will cover the new customizations available. Let's start with the new look of the filter pane properties panel (shown below). Now when the field or master item is selected in the properties panel, an additional properties panel is provided with further appearance and functionality options.

properties panel.png

There is now a “Show title” checkbox that can be used by app developers to show or hide the title of the filter pane. App developers can indicate if they want search capabilities on or off in a filter pane by toggling the Search option. By default, the search mode for a filter pane is normal, but now it can be set to Wildcard mode which adds asterisks before and after the search text like this:

search mode.png




This example wildcard search will search for any text with “wear” in it.

In the presentation section of the properties panel, is where app developers can customize how the filter pane will look. By default, the text alignment is set to Auto, but it can also be set to left, center or right. There are checkboxes for the following options: Compact view, Checkbox mode and Histogram.

options.pngThe Compact view option reduces the space between dimension values, fitting more items in less space. In the image below, the second filter pane has the Compact view option checked. Notice that there is less space between the list items, making the filter pane smaller than the default filter pane on the far left. This can be helpful if space is an issue on your sheet. The Checkbox mode (see third filter pane) will add a checkbox to the left of the list items and the checkbox is what is used to make selections. The Histogram option (fourth filter pane) displays bars under each list items to indicate the frequency of the item in the data – it is like a visual representation of the frequency. Each of these options can be used independently or in combination with one another. Below is an example of each and all three together.

all options.png

The last of the new customization options that can be found in the properties pane is how to show the data – either single column or grid.


Here is a simple example using the Year dimension. The filter pane on the left is showing the filter as a grid while the filter pane on the right is showing a single column.


Here is another example of the grid option when there are more values.


When displaying the values in a grid, the app developer is presented with the option to set the order and the maximum number of columns. In the example above the values are ordered by row, so you read them from left to right versus top to bottom. The Max visible columns can be manually set (custom) or can be set to auto.

grid options.png

These new filter pane customization options provide the app developer with more flexibility in how they would like to present filter panes on a sheet. Check out Qlik Help for a video on creating a filter pane as well as additional helpful information. Also take a look at Michael Tarallo’s SaaS in 60 video here for this and other new features in Qlik Sense SaaS.





1 Comment

This is a large step forward for the Filter Pane, for sure. I'm a fan of Compact View and the option to use a grid rather than single-column. I was hoping it would also include the option to fix a filter as a drop-down or list (similar to the difference between a Listbox and a Multibox in QlikView) rather than having it happen dynamically (and often in ways that differ from what the designer intended), but hopefully that's something we'll see moving forward.