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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is taking new steps to counter human smuggling and other crimes arising in business networks. New public-private sector partnerships with advanced analytics are now preventing these emerging criminal activities by combining data in new ways. This is part of a broader movement across Federal and law enforcement agencies to combine historical, public, and real-time data to detect and respond to illicit business behaviors.
This whitepaper aims to demonstrate how Qlik’s Active Intelligence is a new paradigm for rapid response analytics for using and sharing business intelligence from diverse sources. Qlik is designed for scale through a governed approach that creates in-the-moment awareness, triggers immediate actions, and automates interoperable updates.
Problematic researchers pose alarming new risks to U.S. national security, supply chains, and critical infrastructure. Wittingly and unwittingly, these researchers expose potent technology breakthroughs to malign foreign actors through normal research activities and cultures.
Open, collegial research cultures increase national security vulnerabilities in three ways:
Only advanced analytics - combining historic, real-time, and public data - can counter these risks. This investigative capability must include in-memory data associations, all-source market sensing, and process automation to support diverse economic and security analysis teams.
Qlik uniquely overcomes these challenges by ingesting more data sources than anyone else, automating analytical processes, and maturing the workforce’s use of analytics. This drives trusted decisions, automated discovery, workforce data literacy, and governed information sharing with approved agency stakeholders.