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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

NPrinting Report Template _ Insert Page Break on Each dimension Value

Hi All,

Working on project where we have created an Excel NPrinting Template with 1 Qlikview Pivot Table.

Issue: For each Dimension value there are 11 rows. When an excel Report is generated it shows as scroll but when the same report is generated as PDF there is a split in report

For EG:

DImvalue1 Row1 to Row 11

and DImvalue2 Row 1 to row5

so in total 16 rows get printed on one Page  in PDF.

Requirement is to Display and Print only 11 rows on each page. so if the user selects 4 Dimension values then 4 pages each with 11 rows for that value to be displayed.

basically we are trying to achieve Page Break in Excel and PDF using Excel Template for each dimension.

Note: There are 6 Dimension in Pivot Table and are displayed using Conditional show option.

Any help/.information would really help.

Thank you all.

Thanks and Regards,


6 Replies

I believe you are looking for paging on the dimension column.

How to Use the Page Feature in Excel and PowerPoint Report Templates

To be simple, add your dimension as a page in your reports.



Add the dimension in the Pages node, create your content and preview the report as a PDF.

Pages in PDF from Excel.jpg

Best Regards,



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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III


Thank you for the information and it really helped.

This scenario works fine when we know the field for which page break is to be inserted.

How can we add a dynamic field(s) for page break..

For Ex: User A wants a Page break on Field A. and User B wants page break for every value on both  Field A, Field B.

Users can pick on the UI how many and which fields Page break to be inserted.


Might be creating multiple reports & tasks.

You can clone your first report and then modify instead of creating a report from scratch.

Post that, add your distribution list for each task as per user requirements.



I agree, this could be a solution.

Another idea to evaluate is Excel macros. Starting from September 2018 Qlik NPrinting supports .xlsm as output format. I don't know your scenario but maybe you can write a macro that formats the generated reports in different ways. On opening the report the user could choose how re-format it. Very generic idea.

Best Regards,



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That's awesome. Didn't know that.

Thanks rpc