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Partner - Creator

NPrinting Windows server 2019

According to 'System requirements for Qlik NPrinting Server' June 2019 is not compatible with Windows Server 2019.

We would like to upgrade our servers.

Is this safe anyway or should we wait for the next compatible version, and when will this be available?

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7 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP


The knowledge we currently have is based on what we can see in as this is the sole source of truth in this regards and as you mentioned Windows Server 2019 is not supported there yet with NPrinting.

I am assuming you are currently running on windows server 2016 and company policies require you to upgrade server although it is still less then a year from official release of this OS. 

You may want to take a risk and crash test it and see if NPrinting can run on Win 2019 server, although make sure you do it as a test rather than proper migration. The reason i am suggesting this is because some time ago we went through the same process with Win 2016 and although it was not declared compatible NPrinting worked on it.

Regarding release date of compatible version we will have to wait for Qlik to declare it (maybe Sep 2019 will be supported?)


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.


I agrre with @Lech_Miszkiewicz , the official help site it the official source of information. 

Windows Server 2019 is not yet officially supported so it doesn't appears in the help site. We are receiving many questions about it but, right now, I don't know when we will release a version, in any case I'll notify this question to the developers team.

Best Regards,


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Partner - Specialist II

@Ruggero_Piccoli any news when NPrinting will support Windows Server 2019? 

All other Qlik products support Windows Server 2019 for some time now.
I have some clients who don't want to setup an "old" Windows Server 2016 machines just for NPrinting.



April 2020. There is a public Technical Preview available at only for testing and not for production use.

Best Regards,



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Partner - Specialist II

thnx for the info
Partner - Contributor III

hello @Ruggero_Piccoli 

 Windows Server 2019 is supported now with NPrinting feb 2021? 



This a now a fairly old post. Much has changed since this post was posted originally.

Windows 2019 is supported with newer versions of NPrinting. 

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