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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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Creator III
Creator III

Nprinting On Demand - In queue

When clicking on the on demand button i am getting report goes to queue but not stoping:


Nprinting 17.3.1

Qlikview 11.2 SR16

i cant find the log file it suppose to be internal.log but cant find it.


7 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


there could be multiple factors i guess:

  • first - how big is a report you are trying to generate?
  • does this report work straight from NPrinting?
  • is your On Demand configured properly?
    • QlikView Server 11.20 SR15 or above (not 12.0) and Qlik NPrinting On-Demand add-on
      • Domain account used for the NPrinting service must be a member of following Administrators group

        • QlikView Administrators group

        • QlikView Management API group

          • This group must be created manually and the service account added to the group

                    Following this step, restart both the QlikView and NPrinting services

  • The NPrinting install asked for the URL of the NPrinting server. Did you make sure that there is not a slash following the port number? This would cause the connection to the NPrinting server to fail.
  • If the NPrinting Server and NPrinting Engine are installed on different machines, did you make sure to use the Server URL?
  • Did you add the QlikView Server as a trusted origin in NPrinting ADMIN->SEettings->Ondemand settings?
  • You need to have QVP or Cluster connection for your QVW document
  • If you use NPrinting On Demand with QlikView, you must install a valid third party certificate

If you have all above "ticked" and it still does not work then raise a support case with Qlik!




When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Creator III
Creator III

Hi Lech,

Thank you very much for your comment,

from reading your comment i can tell you that the Nprinting cant finish generating the sales.qvw when i try with qvp connection, the sales.qvw only get generated with a local connection, the sales.qvw weight about 300 mb, so i created a small test.qvw with one table and successfully created a qvp connection.

1.can you try and point me to the problem?

*the QV server and NP server are to different servers.

2.can you tell me more about the certificate part?

3.One more very important thing - when trying to create an on demand report and the queue not stopping - something happens to the QV and no one can access the access point, getting a massage "no connection" i have to restart the services to make it work again. 

again thank you.



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi - below answers to your points:

1. Yes - they shoud be 2 different servers - that is recommended configurations:

2. Regarding setup and configuration - It is all step by step in help document !! Did you read it?

3. Regarding - I can only assume that you have tried to create giant (wrongly designed report) which took all your resources. If you used NPrinting local connection to qvw -WHICH IS NOT SUPPORTED - then it took as much resources as it could to produce report (opening desktop vinstance of this app), but will never be able to deliver report back to your console as it is not supported.




When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Creator III
Creator III


i have followed  the instructions of the setup and i have all in place.

the report is not that giant i think,

the whole project is build by a four steps methodology.

in any case, you are right by saying that the services are taking all the QV resources.

is there a limitation for the size of file?

how can i manage the resource usage?


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Ido,

What do you mean report is not giant? Did you actualy create this report in preview?

We are not interested in project steps, we are more interested in qvw  app used with NPrinting. Is this dedicated app only for NPrinting? Was it trimmed down to only required for NPrinting fields, rows, variables and objects? How big is your data set? Do you use Star schema? do you have data island tables interacting with model?... there is many factors which will affect performance and resources usage!

Now NPrinting Connection to QlikView.

First of all - do you see difference between QVP and local connection? Do you understand a difference in terms of resources usage and where they are utilised?

If You use QVP connection - NPrinting uses QlikView service QVS to manage resources -  It uses QlikView server resources

If You use Local connection - NPrinting is opening File using Desktop version and is utilising all resources of box where NPrinting engine is installed. Local connection will use it all up until server crashes!

In my opinion local connection should not be used with NPrinting at all, or should be avoided!

That is the biggest difference. Using QVP you should be OK with resources, but also you can follow my recommendation in regards to qvw file for NPrinting to make it more efficient!

QVW size limitations with NPrinting 17




When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Creator III
Creator III


I ment to say that the qvw is not that giant, but you wrote in your post that you where able to connect to a 500 mb qvw, mine is only 300 mb.

When connecting with a local comnection it is generated in about 5 minutes.

When using qvp connection it is never generated.

I dont know why, as you said you connected to a 500 mb file.



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Local connection is not supported - end of story!

You need to get QVP connection working. There is plenty of topics you may want to read in community regarding how to properly setup QVP connection:

NPrinting 17.3.1 - Cache stuck in Generating

and making sure you are runnig supported configuration - read ALL THIS:




When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads as HELPFUL if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads as HELPFUL if you feel additional info is useful to others.

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.