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Qlik NPrinting Certificate Issue

Hi, we are using Qlik Sense with Qlik NPrinting. When we try to access the Qlik Nprinting URL  its showing warning like "your connection is not private". Then I opened the developer tool and checked under security tab, then its shows 

"The page is not secure (broken HTTPS)" Below 

Certificate - Subject Alternative name missing 

Certificate - missing (here its showing like "err_cert_comm_name_invalid") . 

any one suggest pls?

Note: Because of this first time URL is not working,  then from advance If I clicked the URL then it is working. 

Both certificate installed at same day in the Qlik Sense and Qlik NPrinting. 

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51 Replies

@Anil_Babu_Samineni @PrashantSangle 

1. My Qlik Sense Hub URL is working fine, When I click that certificate from browser its showing " Certificate is valid and CN name is  like "*" 

2. When I tried to access Qlik NPrinting URL, I checked the certificate from browser, Its showing "Certificate is not valid but CN name is showing like only "SERVER NAME". 

So Issue in Qlik NPrinting Self Signed Certificate. May I right?

If yes, Shall I need to generate only Qlik NPrinting Certificate is enough ? 

Please suggest me. 

Thanks in advance. 


Hi @Anil_Babu_Samineni Issue is in Qlik NPrinting ON Demand button, When I tried to solve this issue only I' facing and found this issue. Hope If I resolve this certificate issue, automatically that issue will resolved. 


@balajibc64 Hello, Please explain the issue you have. If this is just button for on demand, Make sure you have added Trusted origin.


Here, You have to do few things.

Please add you Qlik sense FQDN, Example if this is your QS url, https://URLofQliksense

and it must be added two another N-Printing as well, an example.

1) https://URLofQlikNPrinting

2) https://Yourfullservername

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Guys - I was on holidays and just came back. 

I saw a lot of chit chat here but looks like there is still problem.

So lets establish few things. 

  1. FQDN format of your Qlik Sense (for example:
  2. FQDN format of your NPrinitng (for example:

Now with SSL certificate for NPrinting you would normally issue it for:

  1. wildcard: * (this can be used on both Qlik Sense and NPrinting servers as both are in the same domain)
  2. or dedicated server:

If it is just computer name it will not work!

Lastly with certificate - are you using:

  1. self-signed certificate - this will likely throw error and in such case you would need to talk to your network admin to ask him to apply GPC to allow for self-signed certs. It is rather poor practice to use self signed cert.
  2. 3rd party trusted certificate - that should not create any issues!

The above gives you whole skeleton of what is required.

Make sure you use URL adressess as when you access sites from your PC.

So what is your scenario @balajibc64 ?


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

Hi @Lech_Miszkiewicz Thanks for your response. Already I tagged you On Demand Issue related to this. Let me explain my issue. 

My Major Issue is "On Demand Button is not working in our Qlik Sense Dashboard". Facing error like "Unable to connect to server" So I checked the developer tool, I noticed that "failed to load resource: net :: ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID  -- Then that Qlik NPrinting URL shown. 

When I tried to access the Qlik NPrinting Url( First time), 

Your connection is not private 

Then I clicked the unsafe and proceeding. Then I noticed from developer tools 2 things - 

1. Certificate - Subject Alternative Name missing 

2. Certificate- Missing

When I clicked on the Certificate from browser itself, In Company Name Its showing only "SERVER NAME". 

But same this I checked my Qlik Sense and Qlik View URL's ,Its showing Certificate is valid also I notice the Company name is showing " *.CompanyName.COM.QA"

So I suspect issue in Qlik NPrinting Certificate only.  



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @balajibc64 

Yes - you are correct. Issue is with your NPrinting certificate. 

I would ensure your NPrinting site has DNS name with the same domain format: nprinting.CompanyName.COM.QA:4993 and then you could use wildcard cert like: *.CompanyName.COM.QA 

Steps which you have mentioned to generate crt and key file are correct.


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

Hi @Lech_Miszkiewicz Thanks Noted. I will check. 

Quick Question: We are having TEST environment. For Qlik Sense we are having DNS name But for Qlik NPrinting don't have that DNS name URL. So both are different in TEST. Not sure whether it will work or not. 

Production Environment having DNS URL for all the Qlik Sense and Qlik NPrinting. Anything will be impact if I do directly in Production? 

Also, Once I generate this crt and key file after copied into Qlik NPrinting Webconsole proxy and Newsstandproxy folder. Shall I need to install this certificate into QLik NPrinting Server or Automatically it will take?  (Installing means like double click on the crt file and install like that way)

Please suggest. 


Hi @Lech_Miszkiewicz Waiting for your reply 🙂 

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Certificates are issued to domain names so obviously DNS name/URL address used will be valigated against the certificate. If you dont have DNS for TEST NPrinting server certificate then for that server it will not work.

You are asking if anything will be impacted. If you do it correctly - no, it will not impact anything but if you do it wrong then NPrinting admin site may not be accessible (you will be able to roll back easily but developers may not be able to use it for that time). Reports generation will not be impacted by that.

In terms of installing certificates for NPrinting site - just do what it says in help/documentation site: . You dont need to do anything anything else!



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

Hi @Lech_Miszkiewicz Ok. My understanding need to create the new NPrinting.crt and  NPrinting.key and need to paste into the respective path. C:\ProgramData\NPrinting\newsstandproxy\.

The steps for creating this CRT and KEY file is this related to OpenSLL?