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Unreadable Content Error in NPrinting Excel Report

Hi Guys,


  • I have created an Excel Report
  • Which contains 2 QVW Table Objects

Application Overview

  • I have dragged and dropped individual fields from Table Object into the excel columns
  • To created EXCEL TABLE.. so the end user can sort it and filter it.

The Report task works fine.. However.. when I open the excel report then it first shows me following error

Error 1.png

When I click 'NO' then Excel closes down

When I click 'YES' then it opens the file but one table is missing and following shows up.

Error 2.png

Any idea on why this would happen ?

Thank you

5 Replies

Have you manually build the column Total reimbursment?? if so then if the number of columns increase then dynamically the position if the Total column will also change so excel will not be able to identify the new column reference then it will show this message

Not applicable

The total Reimbursement row is an excel SUM forumla to provide total. What would be the Alternative.


You can add the total column in the QV itself write ?? or else build the complete table in excel instead of the QV

Not applicable

Hi Avinash,

What do you mean by build complete table in nPrinting?

I have created the table in QlikView and then dragged and dropped individual field into excel because the end report should be an Excel  Table so the user can sort and filter it



check this , it will give you the idea to build the tables in NPrinting

How to Create an Excel PivotTable Report

How to Create a Pivot Table from Excel Table Columns