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1. How I can perform 2 levels of calculation? The calculated field does not appear in the expression field.
2. It is possible to export the whole data table to Excel/CSV? Not just data from component/Chart.
1) Could you elaborate?
2) In the back-end use :
Store <Table> into Filename.csv (txt)
Hi Max,
look at this: http://www.qlikblog.at/971/qliktip-32-exporting-multiple-objects-single-excel-document/
i hope that resolves your issue
1. I calculated measure (created new measure by expression - not script) and now I want to use it in another measure calculation.
2. In the back-end use, you mean in the Data load editor?
Thank you.
1) Did you use variable when creating this measure?
You can reused that then.
2.Yes Load editor
1. Can it work with ValueList Function? The variables can be used as measure column with ValueList dim in table?
2. I have 3 tables joined in the script. How i can extract the whole data (of 3 tables)?
Thank you.