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Hello Experts,
I have some tables stored at SQL Server and I want to use them as my data source. Please guide me how can I proceed to connect it to QlikView.
Thanks in Advance!!!
I should see the interface where the connection is created, sometimes you must specify SSL as a different checkbox, sometimes using certain ports implies the use of SSL. Without having it in front of me, or know which port should I use it's impossible to say.
Hi Mahendra,
First of all, an ODBC/OLEDB connection is needed.
Then use the information mentioned here. Once the connection is created script like below
Tablename in QlikView:
Load *;
SQL Select .
from SQL table.
Whatever you write after SQL will be evaluated in QlikView and will be executed in SQL server.
Hope it helps.
You have to create an ODBC Driver and add it to DNS if you have one just use that.
Give you connection string and pull the data. Eg:
ODBC CONNECT32 yourdatasourcename;
FROM table1
table2 ....
WHERE .....
Something like this. Need more info for further help.
Hello Nagaraju,
Thanks for your response. How can I create ODBC driver and add it to DNS. I know this is basic question but I'm not aware of this.
PFA and download and hit two times you will get it
Hi Mahendra,
Fetching data from any database into Qlikview we need different types of connectors
-->ODBC/OLEDB connection for RDBMS databases(Oracle,SQL server,My sql..etc)
-->Separate connectors for Sales Force,SAP,Hyperion Essbase..etc
Coming to your point you need a OLEDB/ODBC connector for your database.you need to install either Server or Client edition database software in your machine.
once it is installed you need to create a connection
windows button-->Control Panel-->Administrative Tools-->Data sources (ODBC)-->in USER DSN tab --> click on Add button
Create New database source-->select you database type-->and give your server and user credentials -->check the Test connection at the end.
so that your ODBC connection is created now
Now go to the Qlikview
open new QVfile-->Go to Edit script-->at the end of left hand side in script you can find
Connect Button click on that one and choose your database connection
now in your script you can find a new line code added for ODBC connection
after that click on Select button now you can choose the tables from that database click on OK and now your script will add that table code also.
if you feel you got solution for your issue,please close the thread by clicking "Correct Answer".
Please don't attach any executable files here, first because it can be considered dangerous by some browser policies, second because they will become obsolete.
In this case, the way of creating user or system DSNs is not using that package but the ODBCAD32.exe file available in Windows
That package will allow you connect to several sources (drivers)
Can you please mention the name of connector and also if possible explain with the help of screenshots how can I connect to SQL Server?
I'm getting above error when trying to connect with SQL Server. What may be the reason for this?