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trying to get the above formula to work.
a. doing a count within a date range (3 months before to campaign date)
b. check all the date formats for consistency.
c. there is error in line 5 (on second to last line..looks like the 'and' condition is not working)
d. please suggest if I am missing any rules.
Kindly help me this formula to work or suggest similar alternatives.
Thank you,
>} DISTINCT Design_Part_Mapping_AK)
using the above mentioned formula for 'after' range.
Thanks for all your help on this.
Not sure, but may be this
Count({$<DataType={'Registration'}, RegItemStatus={'Approved','Expired'}, Design_Part_Mapping_AK ={"=RegItemReviewDate_YYYYMM < CampainDate_YYYYMM and RegItemReviewDate_YYYYMM > CampainDateAfter_YYYYMM"}>} DISTINCT Design_Part_Mapping_AK)
The above formula does not work. Have similar formula for before that works.
>} DISTINCT Design_Part_Mapping_AK)
How is your data structured do you have a single RegItemReviewDate_YYYYMM, CampainDate_YYYYMM and CampainDateAfter_YYYYMM for each Design_Part_Mapping_AK?
Would you be able to share some mock up data and the expected output from the mocked up data
Inner Join (Fact)
LOAD Region,
[Campaign Date],
Date([Campaign Date],'YYYYMM') AS CampaignDate_YYYYMM,
Date([Campaign Date],'YYYY') AS CampaignDate_YYYY,
Date(AddMonths([Campaign Date],3,0),'YYYYMM') as CampaignDateAfter_YYYYMM,
Date(AddMonths([Campaign Date],-3,0),'YYYYMM') as CampaignDateBefore_YYYYMM,
[Campaign Name],
[In Part List]
multiple campaigns have campaign dates. Want to do a count of design_parts that occurred before & after (3 month window) the campaign date. Design_parts is continuous data stream by reg_item_date
Hope this helps. Sorry cant share a lot of details.
I am not looking for your confidential data, but mocked up data to make sense of your actual data...
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