Please expand the suite of monitor apps to include a new Insights Monitor. The capabilities and usage of the cognitive engine should be surfaced so organisations can leverage this information to drive faster adoption and insights. Having seen the excellent demo of Business Logic from @Michael_Tarallo this could also be covered in such a new app.
Example content :
- Who is using Insights ?
- Which apps in an estate ?
- What are they doing ? e.g. text searches, adopting suggested visualisations ?, configuring insights, surfacing excluded data via selections tool insights, etc etc
- For NLP text searches -language ; use of 'i' and then configuring insights y/n ; and in future NLP search inside the hub
- Business Logic - configuration - expose this via the associative colors to show in a large app suite what is in scope
In summary the various Insights tools are superb but often they are being used in a vacuum, and exposing the usage in a Sense app would greatly benefit organisations to see the value of QS.
It could also be used to identify training needs and gaps in an organisation.
The knowledge gained can also help drive a data literacy program.