Appreciate how the new Authoring Experience simplifies some of the most common use cases, however as we often still have need to build complex expressions, I would love to be able to do that in this view as well. While being able to toggle between the two full experiences is good and useful, I would love the ability to toggle just the Properties Pane between the simplified view and the advanced view while keeping the other features of the new experience. This would enable both new developers as well as advanced developers to use this experience.
It seemed clear to me that this was primarily aimed at getting new/casual developers up and running more quickly and is not designed for advanced developers given the 'quick set analysis' tool and lack of expression editors. However many of the developers in our organization really liked some aspects of the layout, especially the data table viewer. I think even advanced developers would use this view if there was a quick toggle between Simplified and Advanced view of the properties panel, which could leave the more accessible options available for newer developers and enable all the settings for more advanced devs (vs having to switch the entire experience).