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Digital Support

Are you tired of waiting for support tickets to be addressed and resolved? Look no further! Our Support Chat is here to revolutionize your customer support experience, providing instant assistance, saving you time and effort.

At Qlik, we understand the importance of prompt and efficient customer service. That's why we've invested in cutting-edge chatbot technology that is designed to understand and address your concerns in real-time. Our chatbot is trained to handle a wide range of customer inquiries and support requests, from simple FAQs to more complex issues. When you need further assistance, our live agents are on standby to help.

So why chat with Qlik Support instead of opening a support ticket? We can think of some pretty compelling reasons:

Time-Saving: Our chatbot provides instant responses to your inquiries, eliminating the need to wait for a support ticket to be assigned and resolved. You'll receive immediate assistance, ensuring that your questions are addressed in a timely manner. 

Convenience: Our chatbot is available 24/7, providing you with round-the-clock assistance. Or you can be connected to live agents who are on standby 24/7 for critical issues and 24/5 for standard support. You can access our chat from anywhere, at any time, using your preferred device. Whether you're at home, at work, or on the go, our chatbot is always ready to help.

Self-Service Options: Our chatbot is equipped with self-service options, allowing you to find answers to common questions or troubleshoot issues on your own. This empowers you to resolve simple inquiries without having to wait for assistance. The best part? The more you use our chatbot, the better it gets at understanding your needs and providing accurate responses.

Expert-backed: Our team of engineers will work hand in hand with our chat. If you need to be connected to a live agent or create a case for further troubleshooting, our chatbot will efficiently guide you through the process, saving you time and effort.

Our chat is a game-changer in customer support. Say goodbye to support tickets and hello to a new era of efficient and convenient customer service. Try it out today and experience the future of customer support!

Digital Support
Digital Support

@p_verkooijen we love that you love it 😍

As far as credentials, your wish is on our list! Our future improvements will not require you to provide your email/name when already logged in to Qlik Community. 

Happy chatting!


Former Employee
Former Employee

Hi @p_verkooijen , thank you for the feedback! We are currently working on additional features such as the one you described where the chatbot will notice that you are logged in and able to retrieve your email and information through the backend instead of asking it from you. Our goal is to provide an easier and more personalized experience in the near future.


I don't have any support issues that need dealing with at the moment, but I'm curious as to how well the new version works. Previously, support chat asked me a bunch of largely unrelated / irrelevant questions before eventually redirecting me to a human (at which point I received good service).


Well, I did want a bit of Support today for a Qlik Community issue. Starting with the positive - immediately after I asked my original question, the bot told me it was unable to help and offered the option to chat with support. However,  after requiring I enter my name and email (I am signed in, so why is this necessary?), the chat bot required I select the platform I'm having an issue with. Qlik Community did not appear as one of the options, so I wasn't able to proceed. I tried to go back using "Never mind" but that just canceled the whole process. After this, the bot did not ask any follow up questions to find out why I stopped the process, meaning I did not end up receiving any support and Qlik will not have found out why (unless I go posting it here).

Assuming the Support Chat is supposed to be able to help with Qlik Community, it looks like there's still some things to work out here...

Former Employee
Former Employee

@Or  Thank you very much for the great feedback and questions! Here are the answers I can provide for each of your queries:

1. "asking a bunch of largely unrelated questions" - with the new chatbot, we made improvements to the flows so that getting to live agents or creating cases is quicker with fewer barriers. Depending on the question you asked prior to the live agent, the chatbot would automatically choose which live agent team you should get routed to.

2. "asking name/email even while logged in" - Auto-detection and population of Email/Name are currently being worked on and will be added in the near future.

3. "Which category do Community issues go?" - Community issues should be routed to "Account Related" channel. I have made the change on the button label from "Account Related - Login/Access, License, etc." to "Account Related - Login, License, Community, Sites, etc." to better indicate where Community and other sites-related issues should go to.

4. "Cancel button not having follow-up" - I changed the chatbot's responses for the cancel button to ask follow-up questions such as "Is there anything else you need help with?" to continue the conversation further.


Thank you again for the helpful feedback! We will continue to make improvements to the chatbot to make it easier for everyone to use.


@Jin_Park Thanks for the response. I agree on point 1 - I was able to ask for a human right away since the bot wasn't able to suggest anything for my question. Glad to hear point 2 is being worked on. 3 and 4 both sound like you've already addressed the issue, which is great.

I did notice, after posting, that trying to close the bot chat window leads to follow up questions, but I think most people who can't get the answer they want will navigate away from the page rather than closing the chat window. I know I did.


My company started blocking the chat interface.

What information do i need to provide the firewall team to allow this feature?


