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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Processing loop for nprinting on demand

I am trying to go through the on demand tutorials on my local machine. I have a licensed copy of qlikview, nprinting designer, and nprinting server. However, when I hit the test button on the sales with ajax button I receive a processing loop. Any ideas? Both the nsq files are added to my server service. I am current running the services through my personal user account on my computer.



1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Former Employee
Former Employee

Thats good. It proves you have on-demand working. The Qlik Deployment Console is a Qlik Sense addon (separate to NPrinting) .  I'm not sure why this would have blocked on-demand. Honestly, these 2 products should not have any overlap. I'm not sure what happened.

for the 2 reports, i suggest opening up the NSQ in Nprinting designer and manually running the 2 reports that fail in on-demand. You might see additional errors to help fix the issue.

View solution in original post

21 Replies
Specialist III
Specialist III

Hi John,

You do not need to add the .nsq files to the server for on-demand to work.

This troubleshooting guide might help - your setup should conform to all points listed: Troubleshooting: NPrinting Server Service and Schedules

HTH - Daniel.

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

The problem still persists unfortunately. Please see below

Dedicated NPrinting Service Account Configuration

  • I am currently using my personal windows account for Nprinting.Is this ok? I don't have qlikview server installed or anything like that. I don't believe it is shared by any other windows service. I have logon as a service, and I am a local administrator

Configuration Requirements:

1)     I do not have a personal edition. Am I suppose to input something for default Qlikview Server?

2)     I am not using a mapped drive

3)     I have an admin account

4)     connection looks OK

5)     Not 100% sure on checking the windows log

6)     No macros are in the sales for ajax demo

7)     same version for nprinting designer and server

😎     Both designer and server are installed on the same machine

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Also something to add. Even after stopping the nprinting service, my sales for ajax app is still processing 4 reports. I cannot stop the app from showing the processing loop, or remove a report request.

Former Employee
Former Employee

A common error with On-demand is not implementing the QlikVIew license desktop for the service account running the NPrinting service. You can try changing the service to run under your own account (which hopefully you have licensed qlikview for) or logging into windows as the account running the service and manually licensing qlikview with that account as well.

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Hi Jonathan,

I only have one account on my local machine. That account has a licensed qlikview desktop, licensed nprinting server, and a licensed nprinting designer. Are you saying I need to implement a qlikview license for my nprinting service? Sorry if I have misunderstood. Thanks.

Specialist III
Specialist III

Hi John,

Do you have an entry like this in the On-demand internal.log file?

INFO NPrinting.OnDemand.ServiceStarter - On-Demand service has started successfully

You can find it in  %appdata%\NPrinting\ODS\

- Daniel

Former Employee
Former Employee

You may need to increase the size of the button object

See below, you should be able to remove invidividual items or just hit 'remove all' . You won't see the options if the object isn't sized wide or deep enough


Former Employee
Former Employee

Have you opened up the report you are trying to run through on-demand directly in NPrinting designer and successfully run it ? 

Suggest ensuring the report runs first from designer, then we can configure on-demand to work.

Former Employee
Former Employee

Yes that is correct (and sorry for all the replies).

The account that is running your NPrinting service (from the windows control panel -> admin tools -> services) needs to be a LICENSED QlikView user of QlikView desktop.  When you license qlikview desktop you license it just for the user you are logged in as, so you need to do it a 2nd time for the service account running Nprinting service (on-demand use the server to execute the reports)   IF you are using a different account than your personal account.

Example: below i would log into my windows machine as .\NPRINTINGSVC account , open qlikview desktop, and license the qlikview desktop software .
