It should have been done long ago, over 3 years since the idea, and nothing has happen on this front... come on...
I have to explain to users that they need to recreate there bookmarks from scratch because you can not update a bookmark already made. which is not always received positive, if ever....
I have also made a question about bookmarks yesterday, and can see after a little more research that's there nothing i can do, but wait for some one in the QLIK organization to do something about it.
We have plenty of users, who create a lot of bookmarks. If they want to add just one value, they have to delete and recreate 100+ bookmarks. I am deeply ashamed of it every time, that this is the workflow of a software in 2022. This idea was created 2018. What happened the last four years?!
@Patric_NordstromWhy not implement such low hanging fruits? This issue keeps escalating to the point where management loses trust in Qlik and asking for alternative software. At this point, I only can understand them and just shrug my shoulders.