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Sorting & Editing of Bookmarks

Contributor III
Contributor III

Sorting & Editing of Bookmarks

It should be possible to order the bookmarks created in an app fx. by name or created date etc.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Thumb up for this idea! All features mentioned above are all great and useful. Please implement more bookmark features.

Contributor II
Contributor II

I can only support this idea.

It should have been done long ago, over 3 years since the idea, and nothing has happen on this front... come on...

I have to explain to users that they need to recreate there bookmarks from scratch because you can not update a bookmark already made. which is not always received positive, if ever....

I have also made a question about bookmarks yesterday, and can see after a little more research that's there nothing i can do, but wait for some one in the QLIK organization to do something about it.


Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

hi @Patric_Nordstrom , I am a bit confused, how is the variables' interface connected to Bookmarks sorting & editing?


@francesco_menin not at all, my bad, been a long week

Status changed to: Open - Collecting Feedback

It would be helpful to have the following functions:

  • Ability to see who created a bookmark
  • Ability to put bookmarks in folders
  • Ability to edit bookmarks instead of having to start over
  • Ability to use a bookmark linked to a location without it changing the sheet you are in


Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

+1 ... please include the option to order the bookmarks.


It would definitely be very useful.

If possible, displaying the bookmarks in the QMC (App Objects) would be great to manage them too.


Thanks and regards,


Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II


Contributor II
Contributor II

I can only reply what @larsrosenm already said...

We have plenty of users, who create a lot of bookmarks. If they want to add just one value, they have to delete and recreate 100+ bookmarks. I am deeply ashamed of it every time, that this is the workflow of a software in 2022.
This idea was created 2018. What happened the last four years?!

@Patric_NordstromWhy not implement such low hanging fruits? This issue keeps escalating to the point where management loses trust in Qlik and asking for alternative software. At this point, I only can understand them and just shrug my shoulders.

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Can only subscribe what @Timotix  said.

Hopefully this won't get closed by the team because is "maybe old and not contextualized" as happened with other ideas.