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Hello everybody,

The Qlik Community team has been hard at work making improvements throughout the Community in December and January. Take a look at these recent enhancements for forums, blogs, events, emails, and additional features.




1. Product Forums Split into Analytics & Integration

We've split the Qlik Product Forums into two separate forums - one for Data Analytics Products, and one for Data Integration products. The product forums you are used to seeing under Qlik Product Forums are now under Qlik Data Analytics Forums:

Analytics Forums & Integration Forums ButtonsAnalytics Forums & Integration Forums Buttons

 Data Analytics Forums NavData Analytics Forums Nav












2. Launched Data Integration Forums

We've launched a new set of forums for all of our Data Integration products (formerly Attunity), with product experts assigned to each forum to help members and answer questions. These forums are for current data integration users, or anyone interested in learning more about these offerings.

Data Integration Forums NavData Integration Forums Nav


3. Launched QlikWorld Forum

We've created a new forum all things QlikWorld! Find FAQs, breakout sessions, and more inside the QlikWorld forum. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about QlikWorld, and one of our many experts will be able to help.

QlikWorld ForumQlikWorld Forum


4. Renamed Qlik Associative Big Data Index to Qlik Big Data Index

Qlik Big Data Index ForumQlik Big Data Index Forum


5. Qlik Sense Cloud to Qlik Sense Business

In conjunction with Qlik's move from Qlik Sense Cloud to Qlik Sense Business, we've archived the Qlik Sense Cloud forum. Conversations around cloud can now take place in the Qlik Sense SaaS & Multi-Cloud board.

Qlik Sense Saas & Multi-CloudQlik Sense Saas & Multi-Cloud


6. Qlik Sense Ideas Updates

We've made quite a few updates to the Qlik Sense Ideas board, as we prepare to launch a revamped Ideas program at Qlik. We've reviewed every idea, and updated the labels and statuses on each one. We also added a status component to show the number of ideas in each status.

The Qlik Sense Ideas board will close February 21 while make final preparations for the new ideas program.

Ideas StatusesIdeas Statuses


7. Ideas: Search Before Posting

In order to prevent the same ideas from being requested over and over again, we now have a workflow that requires searching the community for similar posts before creating a new idea post.

Ideas Search Before PostingIdeas Search Before Posting


8. Banner Updates for Services and Product Insight

We completed our page banner updates with new banners for Qlik Services and Qlik Product Insight forums.

Qlik Services BannerQlik Services Banner


Qlik Product Insight BannerQlik Product Insight Banner


9. Hero Promo Cards on Discussion Boards

We now have the ability to include hero promo cards onto discussion board pages to feature content relevant to the specific board. Here is one we added to the New to Qlik Sense board.

New to Qlik Sense Promo CardNew to Qlik Sense Promo Card




Blogs Page CardBlogs Page Card

10. Resolved Error on Edit Blog Page

We've resolved an error that was appearing on the Edit Blog page that prevented the Preview from working correctly. 


11. Consistent Spacing between Viewing Modes

When drafting a blog post, there were spacing issues with line returns rendering differently depending on the view of the draft, preview, and published blog post. We've resolved that issue so the spacing appears in draft and preview mode the same as it will appear in the published post.

Bonus Tip: When drafting any post in the community (blog, discussion, document, or other type) pressing ENTER crates a double-spaced line return. You can create a single-spaced line return by holding the SHIFT key when you press ENTER.


12. Qlik Gallery Healthcare Posters

We've added posters from the 2018 Healthcare Poster Contest to the Qlik Gallery. Check out the gallery to see what other users have created, and create your own to share your best apps with the community!

Qlik Gallery BannerQlik Gallery Banner





13. Events & Webinars Filters

We've added two new drop-downs on the Events & Webinars page to filter between Product Family (Data Analytics or Data Integration) and Event Type.

Events & Webinars FiltersEvents & Webinars Filters


14. Reordering Events Cards

On the Events & Webinars page, the Qlik Community team now has the ability to reorder the event cards to show the most relevant scheduled events near the top, and move on-demand webinars further down.


15. Subscribe to Events & Webinars Page

We've added the options menu to the Events & Webinars Page to allow members to subscribe to the page to get notified when new events are added.

Events & Webinars SusbcribeEvents & Webinars Susbcribe


Notification Emails


16. Digest Email Updates

We've made a couple of updates to the Community Digest email to remove the duplicate "Community" from the subject line and also added an image and registration link for QlikWorld. Hope to see you there!

Email Digest QlikWorldEmail Digest QlikWorld


17. Reminder Emails to Mark Solutions

Members who post a question and receive replies on it will now receive an email reminding them to review the responses to mark one or more replies as Solutions. This helps keep the community clean and organized by showing which posts are resolved with Solutions, and which posts are still open.



Additional Features


18. Added Private Messages to Search

Community Search has been expanded so that you can now choose the Private Messages tab to search for keywords in your private messages!  

Search Private MessagesSearch Private Messages


19. Enabled Attachments on Mobile Devices

We've enabled the ability to attach files to new posts and replies from a mobile device. To attach files, click the paperclip icon below the body field, just like you would on a desktop or laptop computer.

Mobile Devices AttachmentsMobile Devices Attachments


20. Content Mentions

Most members are already familiar with the @Mention feature to mention specific users in a post. But now, you can use the @Mention feature to quickly link to posts as well. To do so, just type "@" followed by keywords, and the menu will display content results to choose from. Click a result to add the link to the post.

Content MentionsContent Mentions


21. System Updates to Improve SEO

We've made several system updates to improve SEO,with more to come. We know that many users prefer to use Google to find content in the community, and these updates should make the Google results even more relevant to your search.


22. Launched User Feedback Survey

Last, but certainly not least, we've launch a user feedback survey to find out how well the community is serving our members, and to see how we can best improve. If you receive the survey pop-up, we'd love to hear your thoughts. It's short and sweet and takes less than a minute to complete.

User Feedback SurveyUser Feedback Survey


We hope these updates help improve your community experience. Let us know in the comments below which updates you're most excited to see.

As always, thank you for being a part of the Qlik Community. We're glad you're here!

All the best,
Jeremy and the Qlik Community Team

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Love your work guys. It really makes a difference- Thanks!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for saying that @Lech_Miszkiewicz 


alguien sabe como hacer una suma aplicando un periodo, ejemplo, feche de creacion de la compañia, sumame los pagos hechos a partir de esa fecha, hasta fecha de creacion de la compañia + 30 dias, actualmente estoy usando esta formula: sum({$}[],company_id))>0"}>} company_id)

Contributor II
Contributor II

In terms a community enhancements, the community posts need a review / scrub for specific items.

There are very many community-support posts (initial posts, comments, replies, etc.).  So many that, in any search, a reader is likely to turn up a ton of low-value, junk-level, one-off comments, etc. that add very little to the self-support Community value, but add lots of clutter.

It would be good to have a way to tag or have an archive section where historic posts are moved to after being reviewed/graded.  As conceived, they would still be available, but would be having useful tagging would make it easy to filter them OUT from searches.

The qualifications might be:  Age of post, version that post applies to, activity on the post, resources provided in the post/replies, over-all value of the posts, etc.

Especially importing, in my experience, is culling or controlling old posts that either provided data that is outdated / incorrect / of low value, or have resources that are no longer valuable.

Specifically, while looking for basic information, I found posts from 6 to 8 years ago that reference links to off-site resources that 1) no longer exist, or 2) have turned bad. 

Ex 1)  Dead link.   "Go see my blog at ...",  "Here is an example dashboard...", etc.

Ex 2)  Destructive link:  I found posts that reference a website that was once a resource pool, but now is a vector for adware, dangerous links/ code, potential viruses / infection vector, etc.  
The site, without turning it  into a clickable link is:   qlikshare (dot) com

When I clicked on the link, it jumped to several locations in succession, and started prompting me to load software/tools, etc.  That's dangerous.


All links from the Community pages should be tested and either turned into non-dangerous resource locators or otherwise disabled (like converting into split-up text links, with graphic symbols or text-descriptors replacing the format that would otherwise be clickable.


@Melissa_Potvin  I'm sorry if this is not the best place to put this comment.  It should probably be a separate issue.

I didn't know where else to post this - I can't post in Support right now.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@mvisconte Thank you so much for your feedback and you have made some great points. These are the kind of things we like to hear. We are currently talking about archiving and have meetings in place to make a plan. We will look through your ideas and provide feedback when possible. I know you weren't sure about where to post this and this is fine, however, I wanted you to be aware of the Community Corner which is a perfect place for any future feedback:  Again thank you, thank you! We appreciate your collaboration and look forward to more. 

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Sue_Macaluso 

Archiving is always a thorny one, and it has come up every three or four years since I have been on the Community. The concern is always that valuable content is going to be lost. The fact that the QIX Engine is still in many ways the same as it was 20 years ago means that old content on data modelling and load scripts is still more relevant than some of the newer content.

I hope you are able to navigate the issue and get to the right conclusions on what should be removed.

This is a separate issue, to my mind, than that of broken and dangerous links.

Community policing of posts is probably the way to go, a simple button to report broken links and inappropriate content.

Thanks for all your great work on the Community. It truly is a resource to be proud of.


Contributor II
Contributor II

Just to chime in again, re: archiving,

I didn't mean to remove /expunge information.  More akin to segmenting lower-graded posts to make it easier to find higher-value information. 

> As conceived, they would still be available, but would be having
> useful tagging would make it easy to filter them OUT from searches.

I am a strong believer that you should never get rid of original data unless there is a specific requirement.  There will come a day when someone, somewhere, will need/want/whatever that information.

If nothing else, someone might want to do some strange cross-analysis on post topic velocity or create a graph db on users against the whole of the community posts relating to time-of-day & moon phase.  Somebody will think up something neat that they need *everything* for.  (Maybe not, but I'm optimistic).