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Insights in a nutshell Although there are almost two times more movies than series in the Top 10, Series seem to be preferred by the audience. Indeed, the number of viewing in movies represents only 28% against the series. Squid Games is the show that performed the best: This series remained in rank 1 for 9 consecutives weeks and was the most viewed content throughout all categories. Most impressive, Squid Game was viewed two times more than Money Heist which sits on the second position of the top 10 most viewed contents. Red Notice remained for 3 consecutive weeks, making it the longest movie to stay rank 1 . The life span of the English language content is short lived compared to other language content shows within the Top 10. Moreover, Series remain for more weeks in the top 10 than movies. About a quarter of the total views of all the top 10 shows is represented within the top 5 series. After a movie or a series has been ranked n°1, it takes a hard drop off the charts. However, very few movies have shown it is always possible to reverse the curve at the end of their life span. Movies and series have a different dynamic: In general, we have only 1 movie at a time present in the top 10 excepted for few exceptions. Meanwhile, Series overlap each other in the top 10. We find multiple series in the top 10 in the same week.
Recommendations: Based on the dataset, we can make few recommendations: 1. Send out new adverts of Movies to watch one week after their releases through the different Netflix communication channels in order to avoid such a strong fall in the ranking and increase their optimization. 2. Release more series than movies to follow the trend. 3. Continue to release more and more foreign languages series as subscribers seem to enjoy them globally.
Netflix Marketing Team Netflix Subscribers
Edited December 5th: identified upgrades leading to complications with extensions
Edited December 6th: added workaround for extension complication
Edited December 10th: added CVEs (CVE-2024-55579 and CVE-2024-55580)
Edited December 12th, noon CET: added new patch versions and visualization and extension fix details; previous patches were removed from the download site
Hello Qlik Users,
New patches have been made available and have replaced the original six releases. They include the original security fixes (CVE-2024-55579 and CVE-2024-55580) as well as QB-30633 to resolve the extension and visualization defect.
If you continue to experience issues with extensions or visualizations, see QB-30633: Visualizations and Extensions not loading after applying patch.
Security issues in Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows have been identified, and patches have been made available. Details can be found in Security Bulletin High Severity Security fixes for Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows (CVE-2024-55579 and CVE-2024-55580).
Today, we have released six service releases across the latest versions of Qlik Sense to patch the reported issue. All versions of Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows prior to and including these releases are impacted:
No workarounds can be provided. Customers should upgrade Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows to a version containing fixes for these issues. November 2024 IR, released on the 26th of November, contains the fix as well.
This issue only impacts Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows. Other Qlik products including Qlik Cloud and QlikView are NOT impacted.
All Qlik software can be downloaded from our official Qlik Download page (customer login required). Follow best practices when upgrading Qlik Sense.
The information in this post and Security Bulletin High Severity Security fixes for Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows (CVE-2024-55579 and CVE-2024-55580) are disclosed in accordance with our published Security and Vulnerability Policy.
The Security Notice label is used to notify customers about security patches and upgrades that require a customer’s action. Please subscribe to the ‘Security Notice’ label to be notified of future updates.
Thank you for choosing Qlik,
Qlik Global Support
On April 16th, 2024, Qlik is launching a highly anticipated capability: custom security roles.
Custom security roles introduce fine control of data export and access permissions within Qlik apps. This allows you to tailor permissions to your specific needs, enhancing data security and compliance.
The first delivery on April 16th includes the capability to control who can export content. Additional capabilities will be added soon after, such as who can create data connections, reports, and similar.
As part of this update, the existing "has restricted view" space role will gain the ability to export data to Excel. This adjustment is in line with Qlik's capacity-based pricing model, ensuring basic users have essential tools.
If you do not wish for users with the "has restricted view" space role to be able to export data, you will need to edit the User Default role to deny download for all users, and then create a custom role that allows if for specific users and groups.
Stay tuned for more information and resources leading up to the April 16th launch. We are excited about these enhancements and the value they will bring to your data management and security efforts within Qlik.
Thank you for choosing Qlik,
Qlik Support
Hello Qlik Users,
On January 13th 2025, Qlik will introduce breaking changes to the execution token functionality for triggered automations.
アプリの設定に UI 設定が追加されました。ナビゲーションバー、ツールバー、シートヘッダーのカスタマイズを行うことができます。 アプリ全体に適用されます。
新しいアセットパネルのプレビュー モードが開始されました。編集モードのアセットパネルのプレビューアイコンをクリックして表示することができます。新しいアセット パネルは、1 月にすべてのユーザーに提供される予定です。
古いコンテナ オブジェクトからタブ付きコンテナへと改良されました。編集画面の詳細モードでのみ使用可能です。タブ付きコンテナ内では、チャートやマスタービジュアライゼーションをタブ毎に設定し、それぞれをコンテナ内で表示することができます。表示条件により、タブの表示・非表示を切り替えることができます。タブを非表示にしてユーザーに表示を選択させず条件に応じて切り替えることもできます。
ユーザーのメールアドレス、サブジェクト、ユーザーが属するIDプロバイダのグループを返す GetUserAttr 関数 が追加されました。チャートでもスクリプトでも使用することができます。
構文: GetUserAttr(‘属性名’)
新しいストレートとピボット テーブルで、見出し項目の列にドロップダウンが追加され、サイクリック グループの軸を素早く切り替えられるようになりました。
レポートの作成におけるテンプレートとして新たに PixelPerfect テンプレート (.qpxp) が追加されました。テンプレートは、アプリ内の PixelPerfectデザイナーを使用して開発され、ピクセル固有のレポートを行う事が可能となりました。
時間の経過とともに、特徴量のデータの分布や大きさの変化にモデルが対応しきれずに精度が劣化してしまうデータドリフトが起こる可能性があります。データ ドリフトは集団安定性指数 (PSI) として計算されます。PSI 値を確認することで、特徴の重大なデータ ドリフトを特定できます。PSI 値が 0.25 以上の場合は、モデルの再トレーニングまたは新しい実験の作成を検討してください。
Monitoring data drift in deployed models
Monitoring deployed model operations
Talend Data Integration で Github との接続をサポートしました。これによりクラウドにあるリソースを GitHub 上でバージョン管理 / コード管理し、共同開発や、ブランチ、スペース、テナント間での資材を共有することができるようになりました。Github によるバージョン管理は、 Qlik Talend Cloud Standard エディション以上で利用できます。
GitHub Organization のリポジトリへ接続を行い、 Data Ingtegration の各プロジェクトの変更に対して commit/push 、リモート先の変更を pull、ブランチの切り替えや、プロジェクトからブランチの作成をサポートします。プッシュしたリソースはオブジェクト毎に Json ファイル形式で管理されます。
Talend Data Integration におけるスキーマ進化が以下においてもサポートされるようになりました。
Qlik Talend Data Integration における、これまでサポートされていたデータセットタイプに加え、QVDをはじめとしたデータ品質を計算できるようになりました。
AI は現実に。その先は?
2024年が生成 AI の急速な普及が落ち着いた年だったとすれば、2025年は多くの企業がアフター AI の世界で自社の方向性を模索する年になると予測されます。AI は、社会とビジネスに根本的な変革をもたらしています。その一方で、これまで以上に不明確性が増し、AI の進化だけでなく、企業の成長にとっても脅威となっています。
「アフター AI :混乱の渦中でデータ・インサイト・アクションを変革」では、データの世界の AI に関する 3 つのトピックと関連するトレンドを深掘りします。混乱の渦中でも AI を活用して優れた成果を創出し、ビジネス価値を最大化するためのトレンドを考察します。
「企業は、AI 活用の岐路に立っています。持続可能で経済的かつ安全な方法で AI を活用し、価値を引き出す必要があります。」 - Qlik トレンド Web セミナー講演者:Qlik マーケットインテリジェンスリード Dan Sommer
Today, users will navigate a smoother journey across our entire Qlik Cloud platform, unifying both Qlik Cloud Analytics and Qlik Talend Cloud. We have balanced aesthetics with functionality to create an experience that is both visually appealing and highly usable. Let's take a look…
The waffle menu is your navigation anchor
Meet the new top-left "waffle" menu, your consistent navigation anchor throughout Qlik Cloud. This feature enhances findability by offering easy access to your "recent" assets, ensuring you always know where you are and where you can go next. Whether you're diving into automations or exploring AutoML, the waffle menu is always within reach.
An Activity Center tailored for your tasks
Our new Activity Centers are now more activity and goal-driven, providing creators with upgraded tools and a comprehensive capabilities page. This streamlined space is designed to help you understand and optimize your efficiency without the clutter of unnecessary buttons.
***Please note that these Activity Center navigation updates can be toggled on or off for two months, until the beginning of September, giving your organization the necessary time to become familiar with and aware of the new design.
📹 See how to toggle on and off here
Customizable sheet navigation
Navigating through numerous sheets in an app can be daunting. Our improved sheet navigation allows you to organize sheets into groups, making it easier to manage and publish them. You can now create, rename, delete, and publish groups and individual sheets, addressing one of our most requested features.
Insight Advisor chat now helps without disruption
We've redesigned the Insight Advisor chat to improve usability, allowing you to get help without leaving your current context. This update makes it easier to author analyses and boosts awareness and usage of chat and search features as we roll out even more NLP capabilities.
Improved search functionality
Finding content has never been easier with our significantly upgraded search functionality. This enhancement streamlines the process of navigating and locating the assets you need, saving you time and effort.
Expanded Catalog and public collections
Our Catalog now supports a wider range of asset types, catering to both analytics and insight-seeking users. You can add these assets to public collections or a custom tenant-wide home page in the Insights Activity Center, with options like public monitored charts (coming soon) and links to sheets.
New panel design and sheet grouping
The side panel design consolidates sheets, bookmarks, and more into one place, offering various size options and better content organization. Additionally, the new sheet grouping feature simplifies navigation for apps with many sheets and allows for bulk publishing, enhancing both private and public sheet management.
The redesigned Data Integration ‘Home’
***Coming soon
Soon, we'll début a new Data Integration 'Home'. We've taken the best of both worlds, combining the previous 'Getting Started' and 'Home' pages into a single, cohesive destination. It's like having your favorite coffee shop and office rolled into one - everything you need, right where you want it. As you grow from novice to expert, you can customize your view, hiding the 'Getting Started' section when you're ready. But don't worry, this page will always remain your launchpad for all things Data Integration.
With quick access to your recent work and important notifications front and center, this is one 'Home' improvement you won't want to miss!
To learn more about these updates check out the links below:
Some of the discoveries from using this app include:
• Improved accessibility to Qlik insights
• Simplified interaction with data through WhatsApp over traditional BI tools
• Real-time app reloads via messaging enable teams to react quickly to changes in data, boosting operational efficiency
DC Messenger has made it easier for our team to access Qlik data and perform actions without needing to log into the platform. This has saved time and allowed users to quickly get the answers or updates they need, even when they're away from their desks.
Can send messages to up to 100,000 unique numbers in a 24-hour period.
• Various structured datasets contained in the Qlik estate
• Roughly 100 files of unstructured data accessible via Qlik Answers
• Five different LLMs are accessible for users to query and use for analysis
Visualizations & Dashboards
Navigation Enhancements
In July 2024 we introduced some major navigation enhancements across the platform, which are inclusive of both new features and existing enhancements. All of these components combined now allow for a more intuitive and fluid experience for everyone. The below bulleted items are the positively impacted areas by this release:
Our teams have been hard at work making robust accessible assets and resources to cover this topic in depth. For more information, whether high-level or the nitty-gritty, please check out the following:
Pivot Table Improvements
This is one of those times that we condone messing with a classic such as the Pivot Table, especially when you improve it with features just as classic, you know? Check out the new additions below!:
Cyclic Dimensions Improvements (based off customer feedback!)
Straight Table - Enhancements
Improvements to Selection Bar
Combo Chart Updates
Tab Container Changes + Bundled Charts
Data Prep
Improved UX for Script Editing
New Functionality for Search & Replace
New Ability for Autocomplete Hints
*Important Notice*
1) Attention Android Mobile Users
If you are using an Android mobile device to access Qlik Sense through the mobile app, please do not upgrade to the November 2024 release just yet. The Android mobile client requires additional updates that weren’t ready in time for this release.
Important Clarification -> Android users can still access Qlik Sense via a mobile web browser without any issues. This limitation only affects the Qlik Sense mobile app on Android.
This update does not impact:
Only customers using Android mobile devices via the Qlik Sense mobile app are advised to delay upgrading until we release a patch to address this.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Our team is working diligently to complete the necessary updates, and we will notify you as soon as the patch is available.
2) Add-on Upgrade Requirements
View Support Updates for details on add-ons that must be upgraded, if you upgrade to Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows November 2024.
Thank you for your continued support! For questions or assistance, please reach out to our support team.
Hi everyone,
Want to stay a step ahead of important Qlik support issues? Then sign up for our monthly webinar series where you can get first-hand insights from Qlik experts.
The Techspert Talks session from December was a Qlik Cloud App Navigation Showcase.
But wait, what is it exactly?
Techspert Talks is a free webinar held on a monthly basis, where you can hear directly from Qlik Techsperts on topics that are relevant to Customers and Partners today.
In this session, we will cover:
Click on this link to watch the recording.
Hey guys, it's been awhile since we had a guest blogger on, so today I am pleased to introduce you to Daniel Pilla. Daniel is a Master Principal Analytics Platform Architect at Qlik and is part of the Presales organization. He has been with Qlik for 8 years, and specializes in integration, architecture, embedding, and security. Take it away Dan!
Sheet and object-level access control in Qlik Cloud
This is a relatively common request, especially from customers coming from Qlik Sense Enterprise Client-Managed. The use case is when organizations want to show/hide specific assets in an application based on the group membership of the current user that is accessing the application. Note that this is in no way a strategy or solution for data security (which is handled with section access), but rather serves as a potential design pattern for custom tailoring apps for specific groups of users.
Example Scenario
Let’s assume a customer has a global sales application. That application contains sheets that are designed for specific product group sales that not every sales representative sells. The customer wants to show the product-specific sheets only to the sales representatives that sell those respective products. If the user contains the group “Product Group A” then they should see the “Product Group A Analysis” sheet, and likewise if the user contains the group “Product Group B” then they should contain the “Product Group B Analysis” sheet.
To achieve this in Qlik Cloud, we can use the Advanced Analytics connector, which in essence is a RESTful server-side extension. This connector offers the ability to connect to RESTful services in real-time from both the load script and from the front-end (charts and expressions). We can use this connector to connect directly to the Qlik Cloud APIs to fetch the groups of the current user, return those groups as a pipe-delimited string, and then use those groups in a show condition expression.
Connector Setup:
Sample App Testing:
The sample application includes three sheets:
The application transforms the OsUser() result into the subject format, looks up the user, gets the groups, and returns them as a pipe-delimited string. You can find this process defined in the vUserSub and vUserGroups variables.
To test the application, first confirm that the first sheet returns your user groups. If it does, you can modify the sheet calculation conditions on the latter two sheets to your desired group names that you want to show based on.
Modify the expression by uncommenting it and adding in your desired group name (ensured it is enclosed by pipes so as to not partially match another group name):
In my example, I am a member of the group `Product Group A’ and not `Product Group B’, so while in edit mode, I see the following, confirming the ‘Product Group B Analysis’ is hidden from my view:
Exiting edit mode, I now see:
Additional Notes
Exciting New Features to Enhance Your Experience
Welcome back, everyone!
At Qlik, we’re committed to improving your experience every day. We understand how valuable your input is, and we prioritize acting on it. Whether through comments, community interactions, or other channels, your ideas fuel our design work. Our goal is simple: to create intuitive, efficient, and tailored tools for your needs.
Let’s dive into what’s new and improved!
Key Updates and Features
Improved consumer experience
We aim to reduce cognitive load and enhance usability for you and your end-users. By enabling deeper customization, simplifying navigation, and centralizing key actions, we help you focus on what matters most: delivering value to your audience.
A fully customizable experience
Customization is the cornerstone of these updates. With options to tailor every aspect of your app’s interface—from toolbar items to logos—you can create an app that’s uniquely yours. These changes empower you and ensure a cleaner and more intuitive experience for your consumers.
What’s next?
We’re not stopping here. More enhancements are planned to ensure that our product continues to exceed your expectations.
Stay tuned for updates, and keep sharing your valuable feedback!
If you want to see a demo, please head over to Linkedin.
Thank you, and let me know in the comments below.
Gartner 社は、「2024年 Gartner® データ統合ツールの Magic Quadrant」を発表しました。Gartner 社が評価した 20 社のデータ統合メーカーの中で、Qlik は 9 年連続でリーダーの 1 社に評価されました。
分析や AI にビジネスに適した信頼できるデータを提供するには、適切なデータ統合ソリューションの選択が不可欠です。自社のビジネスニーズに最適なソリューションを選択するには?ぜひ、本レポートをご参考ください。
データ統合市場における Gartner 社 のインサイト
Qlik がリーダーの 1 社に評価された理由
The new Navigation Menu object in Qlik allows for a flexible and easy way to add a menu to your Qlik Sense apps. Whether you're designing an app in Qlik Sense or embedding Qlik capabilities into a web platform, you should make this new object your go-to solution for organized and stylish navigation.
In this blog post, we'll explore into the new Navigation Menu object, its features, customization options, embedding capabilities, and key considerations for getting the most out of it. For a quick overview, check out the SaaS in 60 video below:
Up until now, navigation in your apps has been limited to the following options:
The new Navigation Menu object enhances your Qlik Sense app usability and makes it easier to achieve similar results faster tailored to your needs
Key Features:
You can toggle the "App Navigation bar > Navigation" or "Sheet Header" option to OFF in the UI settings and have the Navigation Menu object replace your traditional Sheets for a more minimalistic look.
👀 You can see the Navigation Menu object in action on the What’s New App:
For developers looking to incorporate Qlik analytics into their web applications, the Navigation Menu object can save time when developing a custom sheet navigation. You can easily embed the navigation menu object and customize it to meet your needs. (Learn more here)
How to Embed the Navigation Menu
Here’s a simple example of embedding a horizontal navigation menu in your web app using Nebula.js.
You can read more about Embedding and access the full documentation on qlik.dev:
const nuked = window.stardust.embed(app, {
context: { theme: "light" },
types: [
name: "sn-nav-menu",
load: () => Promise.resolve(window["sn-nav-menu"]),
type: "sn-nav-menu",
element: document.querySelector(".menu"),
properties: {
layoutOptions: {
orientation: "horizontal",
alignment: "top-center",
Advanced Customization
Using JSON properties, you can customize the navigation menu extensively:
These capabilities make the Navigation Menu a versatile tool for developers working on embedded analytics projects.
type: "sn-nav-menu",
element: document.querySelector(".menu"),
properties: {
"layoutOptions": {
"drawerMode": false,
"hideDrawerIcon": false,
"orientation": "horizontal",
"layout": "fill",
"alignment": "top-center",
"separateItems": false,
"dividerColor": {
"color": "rgba(0,0,0,0.12)",
"index": -1
"largeItems": false,
"showItemIcons": false
"components": [
"key": "general"
"key": "theme",
"content": {
"fontSize": "18px",
"fontStyle": {
"bold": true,
"italic": false,
"underline": false,
"normal": true
"defaultColor": {
"index": 15,
"color": "#000000",
"alpha": 1
"defaultFontColor": {
"color": "#ffffff",
"alpha": 1
"highlightColor": {
"index": -1,
"color": "#3ba63b",
"alpha": 1
"highlightFontColor": {
"color": "#ffffff",
"alpha": 1
"hoverColor": {
"index": -1,
"color": "#ffa82e",
"alpha": 1
"borderRadius": "20px"
navigation: sheetObject.navigation,
While the Navigation Menu object is a fantastic addition, there are some key points to consider:
It was back in 2015 when I first published the original Qlik Sense Search Cheat Sheet. Since then, and thanks to lots of individual contributors here in the Community, the Search Cheat Sheet has suffered several transformations to make it more complete and truthful.
@afurtado wrote me an email a few weeks ago because he was interested in getting the document localized for the Brazilian folks out there. In addition to thank him for his contribution and sending him the file I decided that it was about the time to get the Search Cheat Sheet an update.
Today I want to introduce a new version of the document. I added the compound search section to it (@jayanttibhe thanks for the tip), and I redesigned and rationalized the position of each element for better comprehension.
As an extra, I made the document multilanguage ready. So, if someone wants to translate the Cheat Sheet to other language (currently available in English, Spanish and Portuguese) please let me know in the comments section and I'll gladly tell you how to help us.
Hope you like it, and please share it.
Feb 28: French version thanks to @arychener
Feb 25: Italian added thanks to @AntonioCostantino . Russian translation updated
Feb 13, 2020: Cheat sheet includes now the ^ Wildcard to be consistent with Qlik Help. Russian language added thanks to the contribution of @martynova
Jan 29, 2020: German language added thanks to the contribution of @g_mitschke
Qlik Customer Support now available on Stitch!
For our Stitch customers, Qlik Support is now seamlessly integrated within your product connecting you with expert assistance. Select the green chat bubble at the bottom right of your Stitch environment to start chatting with support.
With the introduction of our generative support chat, you can now receive immediate and reliable responses validated through Qlik’s expert-led documentation. If you need more in-depth help, our team of Support Engineers are available 24/5 to chat live and troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. This comprehensive support ensures you receive timely solutions, keeping your Qlik experience smooth and productive.
In addition to quick AI-generated answers, you’ll gain access to Qlik’s Customer Portal, to manage your support needs and explore a wealth of resources, including our library of knowledge articles. Stitch has the power of Qlik Global Support behind it, and we’re here to help you through your data journey.
Note: Now that Stitch support is fully integrated within Qlik Global support, stitchsupport@talend.com is no longer in use. Please leverage your in-product Support chat or contact us through the Customer Portal For Assistance.
In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), the need for accurate, high-quality, real-time data has never been greater. Qlik Talend Cloud, our market-leading data integration and quality solutions offering, utilize AI-enriched, no-code pipelines to rapidly deliver real-time trusted data throughout your organization — driving AI innovation, intelligent decisions, and business modernization.
Just a few months ago, we announced the general availability of Qlik Talend Cloud and we are making it increasingly easier for developers and data engineers to build, manage and fine tune their high-performance data pipelines to support their enterprise needs and use cases.
Today, we are excited to announce several new Dev-Ops capabilities and innovations that would make it even simpler and easier for our customers to adopt and manage Qlik Talend Cloud for ingesting, transforming, modeling, collaborating and working with data for analytics and AI needs.
Some of the key new capabilities that are being launched include:
Let’s dive into each of them a little bit more.
In modern data ecosystems, data sources and business requirements are often dynamic, so being able to evolve schemas—i.e., the structure of data—without interrupting the flow of data is critical for smooth operations.
Schema evolution allows users to easily detect structural changes (aka schema drift) to multiple data sources and then control how those changes will be applied to your project. At Qlik, we previously supported schema evolution and schema drift for Replication pipelines with a manual process for multi-step data pipelines where data engineers had to manually monitor and make relevant changes to the pipelines.
Today, we are thrilled to launch Automated Schema Evolution, featuring the ability to detect and automate all of the DDL changes that were made to the source database schema and dramatically simplify the efforts required to modify the pipelines.
Any changes in the data structure at the source database will automatically be picked up and applied to the target structure - including the Type 2 history, a comprehensive live view of the architecture - and the changes applied to the pipelines without any manual interventions.
What this enables is a much more automated and well-oiled data operations, with fewer errors and things breaking downstream, and a storage (bronze) layer that is always up to date - even when new values or columns are added to the source.
So, if a new column is added to the source database, it is automatically detected and captured with Type 2 history and the appropriate changes are reflected in the tables in the landing and storage zones, without the need for any data reloads. Also, for any changes beyond the bronze layer, users get notifications/alerts to schema changes in the bronze layer so they can react quickly to make changes to downstream pipelines.
Here is a quick demo on the new Automated Schema Evolution functionality:
With Automated Schema Evolution, users can set distinct rules and have access to a series of more fine-grained controls for schema evolution. These include the specific actions that need to be taken for various DDL events – such as automatically adding a column to the target, or suspending a table on rename etc. These configurations allow users to prevent downstream impact and control behavior in the target data platform.
See example below.
Automatic schema evolution is now generally available, and you can learn more about the feature in the Qlik help/documentation page here.
Version Control empowers developers to work concurrently on different aspects of a project—such as adding new features or fixing bugs—without disrupting the main version of the project. This approach supports incremental, collaborative, and secure development, allowing teams to release updates progressively while maintaining stability.
Today we are excited to launch Version Control for Qlik Talend Cloud Pipelines through efficient and secure GitHub integration and branching support.
Every Qlik Talend Cloud user in the organization can utilize their GitHub account with a personal access token to connect their projects to any authorized GitHub repository.
More importantly, with the new ‘branching’ feature, it enables multiple developers to:
This parallel development model allows team members to sync their changes efficiently and collaborate without conflicts and putting each other’s work at risk.
Users can even open an existing project located on a GitHub repository. This allows sharing projects across spaces and tenants.
Here is a quick demo on the new Version Control functionality:
Using GitHub, developers can submit pull requests, where other team members can review and approve the code before it’s merged back into the main project. This review process ensures collaborative quality control and reduces the risk of introducing errors while enabling developers to safely commit and push the changes to the central repository.
Version control, branching and schema prefixes further enhances security as well, minimizing the risk of data loss or corruption, while fostering collaborative engagement.
The Version Control feature is now generally available now in Qlik Talend Cloud Standard edition (and upwards). For more details on the Version Control feature, and how to get started, please visit the documentation page here.
Along with the other DevOps innovations, we are delighted to announce the launch of a new set of REST API endpoints for importing and exporting Pipelines or projects in QTC. This will in turn enable users to start building and managing their data pipelines using a Continuous Integration/ Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) approach.
These new APIs programmatically reproduce the capabilities available within the user interface; and allow programmers to manage projects across tenants and spaces for deployment purposes in an easy-to-use fashion.
In just a few API calls, users can now read project variables (referred to as bindings), export and re-import projects.
The export API creates a ZIP file containing all necessary project contents for re-import. Besides all project-related resources (including tasks, datasets etc…), the export API also generates a separate “bindings” file whose purpose is to list all project parameters and variables for users to customize on re-import.
To import a project, users have the choice of either creating a new project (using the dedicated API) or importing within an existing project. In the latter case, users only need to read/update the bindings and import the project contents to overwrite the existing one.
The list of Import/ Export APIs endpoints that we are launching include:
Description |
Command |
Export API Definition |
Exports the project content as a ZIP file.
GET /v1/di-projects/{projectId}/actions/export
Get Project Binding |
Retrieves the bindings for the specified project.
PUT /v1/di-projects/{projectId}/bindings |
Create a New Project |
Creates a new data integration project with the specified parameters. |
POST /v1/di-projects
Update Project Binding |
Updates the bindings for the import of the specified project. |
GET /v1/di-projects/{projectId}/bindings
Import Project Content |
Imports project content into an existing project from a ZIP file.
POST /v1/di-projects/{projectId}/actions/import
Please find below a quick demo of the new Import/ Export APIs:
This feature is available now generally available, and you can find more details on the Export/ Import APIs, visit the documentation page here.
These new DevOps features in Qlik Talend Cloud represent a significant step forward in simplifying and optimizing data pipeline management. By automating key processes like schema evolution, integrating robust version control capabilities, and enabling seamless CI/CD workflows through new APIs, we're empowering data teams to work faster, smarter, and with greater confidence.
As businesses continue to rely on real-time, trusted data for AI-driven decision-making, these innovations ensure that your data pipelines are not only resilient and scalable but also future-proof. Whether you're managing complex data environments or developing cutting-edge analytics solutions, these enhancements make it easier to adapt, collaborate, and stay ahead of the curve. We’re excited to see how these new features will help you unlock even greater value from your data, driving innovation and business transformation.
Authors: Vijay Raja, Vincent Menard
Here are some useful resources to learn more:
We know that finding what you need to make a decision can be hard, that being data, an app, a sheet, or a specific visualization.
We have, therefore, set out to create a suite of features that help analytic creators to curate content for their consumers.
These features helps the users to more efficiently find what they need to gain an insight, to take that decision, or to dig even deeper if needed.
The demo includes an example of how to build a bespoke landing experience for your consumers using:
The suite of features: includes:
- Public monitored charts
- Links to sheets
- Link to external content
- Public collection
- Custom tenant home page
They are all designed to help you craft a personalized landing experience in Qlik. These features make it effortless for your analytic consumers to find insights, streamline their decision-making process, and act faster with confidence.
If you want to see a 10 minute demo please head over to LinkedIn
Transformational. Innovative. Powerful. These are just a few of the inspiring terms customers use to describe Qlik and our product suite. Customer feedback and input are critical to Qlik’s success, and we regularly hear directly from our most active users through Qlik Nation, our gamified customer engagement hub.
Through interactive challenges and activities, Qlik Nation members connect, learn, and engage with Qlik and with each other. By completing challenges in the platform, members can receive early notification of new product features, boost knowledge through quality educational content, and have opportunities to influence the product roadmap. Qlik Nation also allows customers to demonstrate skills, network with peers, and amplify their personal brand. All while having fun and being rewarded!
And now, Qlik Nation members will be able to complete challenges while visiting Qlik Community. Current members will see a new carousel on the Qlik Community homepage inviting them to complete challenges, making it even easier for you to engage and earn points.
Customers are at the heart of everything we do, and Qlik Nation offers an exclusive experience for our most dedicated and passionate fans (Qlik Nation is a complementary platform to Qlik Community, which has open membership). What do our members say about their experience in Qlik Nation?
If you’re a Qlik end-user and want to learn more about how to join Qlik Nation, please email QlikNation@qlik.com. We’d love to hear from you!
Table of Contents
Version 5.6. Current as of: 4th December 2024
Qlik and Talend, a Qlik company, may from time to time use the following Qlik and Talend group companies and/or third parties (collectively, “Subprocessors”) to process personal data on customers’ behalf (“Customer Personal Data”) for purposes of providing Qlik and/or Talend Cloud, Support Services and/or Consulting Services.
Qlik and Talend have relevant data transfer agreements in place with the Subprocessors (including group companies) to enable the lawful and secure transfer of Customer Personal Data.
You can receive updates to this Subprocessor list by subscribing to this blog or by enabling RSS feed notifications.
Third party subprocessors for Qlik Cloud |
Third Party |
Location of processing (e.g., tenant location) |
Service Provided/Details of processing |
Address of contracting party |
Contact |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) |
If EU region is chosen: Ireland (Republic of); & Paris, France (back-up); or Frankfurt, Germany; & Milan, Italy (back-up); or London, UK; & Spain (back-up). Qlik Anonymous Access: Stockholm, Sweden. If US region is chosen: North Virginia, US; & Ohio, US (back-up). If APAC region is chosen: Sydney, Australia; & Melbourne, Australia (back-up); or Singapore;& Seoul, S. Korea(back-up); or Tokyo, Japan;& Osaka, Japan(back-up); or Mumbai, India; Hyderabad, India (back-up). |
Qlik Cloud is hosted through AWS |
Amazon Web Services, Inc. 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210, U.S.A |
MongoDB |
See Qlik Cloud locations above |
Any data inputted into the Notes feature in Qlik Cloud |
Mongo DB, Inc. |
Third party subprocessors for Qlik Support Services and/or Consulting Services The vast majority of Qlik’s support data that it processes on behalf of customers is stored in Germany (AWS). However, in order to resolve and facilitate the support case, such support data may also temporarily reside on the other systems/tools below. |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) |
Germany |
Support case management tools |
Amazon Web Services, Inc. 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210, U.S.A. |
Salesforce |
UK |
Support case management tools |
Salesforce UK Limited |
Grazitti SearchUnify |
United States |
Support case management tools |
Grazitti Interactive |
Microsoft |
United States |
Customer may send data through Office 365 |
Microsoft Corporation |
Chief Privacy Officer |
Ada |
Germany |
Support Chatbot |
Ada Support |
Persistent |
India |
R&D Support Services |
2055 Laurelwood Road |
Atlassian (Jira Cloud) |
Germany, Ireland (Back-up) |
R&D support management tool |
350 Bush Street |
Altoros |
United States |
R&D Support Services |
Altoros Americas, LLC |
Ingima |
Israel |
R&D Support Services |
Ha-Khilazon St 3, Ramat Gan, Israel |
Galil |
Israel |
R&D Support Services |
Galil Software and Technology Services Ltd. Industrial Park, Mount Precipice, |
Third party subprocessors for Qlik mobile device apps |
Google Firebase |
United States |
Push notifications |
Google LLC |
Third party subprocessors for Talend Cloud |
Third Party |
Location of processing (e.g., tenant location) |
Service Provided/Details of Processing |
Address of contracting party |
Contact |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) |
Talend Cloud AMERICAS: Virginia, US; & Oregon, US (backup). EMEA: Frankfurt, Germany; & Ireland (Republic of)(backup). APAC: Tokyo, Japan; & Singapore (backup); or Sydney, Australia; & Singapore (backup). Stitch AMERICAS: Virginia, US; & Oregon, US (backup). EMEA: Frankfurt, Germany; & Ireland (Republic of) (backup). |
These Talend Cloud locations are hosted through AWS |
Amazon Web Services, Inc. |
Microsoft Azure |
United States: |
These Talend Cloud locations are hosted through Microsoft Azure |
Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Enterprise Service Privacy |
MongoDB |
See Talend Cloud locations above |
Mongo DB, Inc. |
Third party subprocessors for Talend Support Services and/or Consulting Services: In order to provide Support and/or Consulting Services, the following third party tools may be used. |
Sub-processor |
Location of processing (e.g., tenant location) |
Service Provided/Details of processing |
Address of contracting party |
Contact |
Atlassian |
France United States |
Project management; support issue tracking |
Atlassian Pty Ltd 350 Bush Street Floor 13 |
Atlassian (Jira Cloud) |
Germany, Ireland (Back-up) |
R&D support management tool |
Atlassian Pty Ltd 350 Bush Street Floor 13 |
Microsoft |
United States |
Email provider, if the Customer sends Customer Personal Data through email. |
Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Enterprise Service Privacy Microsoft Corporation 1 Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052 USA |
Salesforce |
United States |
CRM; support case management |
Salesforce UK Limited |
Affiliate Subprocessors These affiliates may provide services, such as Consulting or Support, depending on your location and agreement(s) with us. Our Support Services are predominantly performed in the customer’s region: EMEA – France, Sweden, Spain, Israel; Americas – USA; APAC – Japan, Australia, India. |
Subsidiary Affiliate |
Location of processing (e.g., tenant location) |
Service Provided/Details of Processing |
Address of contracting party |
Contact |
QlikTech International AB, Talend Sweden AB |
Sweden |
These affiliates may provide services, such as Consulting or Support, depending on your location and agreement(s) with us. Our Support Services are predominantly performed in the customer’s region: EMEA – France, Sweden, Spain, Israel; Americas – USA; APAC – Japan, Australia, India. |
Scheelevägen 26 223 63 Lund Sweden |
QlikTech Nordic AB |
Sweden |
DPO | ||
QlikTech Latam AB |
Sweden |
QlikTech Denmark ApS |
Denmark |
Dampfaergevej 27-29, 5th Floor 2100 København Ø Denmark |
QlikTech Finland OY |
Finland |
Simonkatu 6 B 5th Floor FI-00100 Helsingfors Finland |
QlikTech France SARL, Talend SAS |
France |
93 Ave Charles de Gaulle 92200 Neuilly Sur Seine France |
QlikTech Iberica SL (Spain), Talend Spain, S.L. |
Spain |
"Blue Building", 3rd Floor Avinguda Litoral nº 12-14 08005 Barcelona Spain |
QlikTech Iberica SL (Portugal liaison office), Talend Sucursal Em Portugal |
Portugal |
QlikTech GmbH, Talend Germany GmbH |
Germany |
Joseph-Wild-Str. 23 81829 München Germany |
QlikTech GmbH (Austria branch) |
Austria |
Am Euro Platz 2, Gebäude G A-1120, Wien, Austria |
QlikTech GmbH (Swiss branch), Talend GmbH |
Switzerland |
c/o Küchler Treuhand Brünigstrasse 25, CH-6055 Alpnach Dorf Switzerland
QlikTech Italy S.r.l., Talend Italy S.r.l. |
Italy |
Piazzale Luigi Cadorna 4 20123 Milano (MI) |
Talend Limited |
Ireland |
c/o Crowleys DFK 16/17 College Green, Dublin, D02 V078 Ireland |
QlikTech Netherlands BV, Talend Netherlands B.V. |
Netherlands |
Evert van de Beekstraat 1-122 |
QlikTech Netherlands BV (Belgian branch) |
Belgium |
Culliganlaan 2D |
Blendr NV |
Belgium |
Bellevue Tower Bellevue 5, 4th Floor, Ledeberg 9050 Ghent Belgium |
QlikTech UK Limited, Talend Ltd. |
United Kingdom |
1020 Eskdale Road, Winnersh, Wokingham, RG41 5TS United Kingdom |
Qlik Analytics (ISR) Ltd. |
Israel |
1 Atir Yeda St, Building 2 7th floor 4464301, Kfar Saba Israel |
QlikTech International Markets AB (DMCC Branch) |
United Arab Emirates |
AB (DMCC Branch) |
QlikTech Inc., Talend, Inc., Talend USA, Inc. |
United States |
211 South Gulph Road Suite 500 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 |
QlikTech Corporation (Canada), Talend |
Canada |
1133 Melville Street Suite 3500, The Stack Vancouver, BC V6E 4E5 Canada |
QlikTech México S. de R.L. de C.V. |
Mexico |
c/o IT&CS International Tax and Consulting Service San Borja 1208 Int. 8 Col. Narvate Poniente, Alc Benito Juarez 03020 Ciudad de Mexico Mexico |
QlikTech Brasil Comercialização de Software Ltda. |
Brazil |
51 – 2o andar - conjunto 201 Vila Olímpia – São Paulo – SP Brazil |
QlikTech Japan K.K., Talend KK |
Japan |
105-0001 Tokyo Toranomon Global Square 13F, 1-3-1. Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan |
QlikTech Singapore Pte. Ltd., Talend Singapore Pte. Ltd. |
Singapore |
9 Temasek Boulevard Suntec Tower Two Unit 27-01/03 Singapore 038989 |
QlikTech Hong Kong Limited |
Hong Kong |
Unit 19 E Neich Tower 128 Glouchester Road Wanchai, Hong Kong |
Qlik Technology (Beijing) Limited Liability Company, Talend China Beijing Technology Co. Ltd. |
China |
51-52, 26F, Fortune Financial Center, No. 5 Dongsan Huanzhong Road, Chaoyang district, Pekin / Beijing, 100020 China |
QlikTech India Private Limited, Talend Data Integration Services Private Limited |
India |
“Kalyani Solitaire” Ground Floor & First Floor 165/2 Krishna Raju Layout Doraisanipalya Off Bannerghatta Road, JP Nagar, Bangalore 560076 |
QlikTech Australia Pty Ltd, Talend Australia Pty Ltd. |
Australia |
McBurney & Partners Level 10 68 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
QlikTech New Zealand Limited |
New Zealand |
Kensington Swan 40 Bowen Street Wellington 6011 New Zealand |
In addition to the above, other professional service providers may be engaged to provide you with professional services related to the implementation of your particular Qlik and/or Talend offerings; please contact your Qlik account manager or refer to your SOW on whether these apply to your engagement.
Qlik and Talend reserve the right to amend its products and services from time to time. For more information, please see www.qlik.com/us/trust/privacy and/or https://www.talend.com/privacy/.