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Hi All,
Can anyone help me how can I get User documents for a certain user alone in qlikview API. I have already searched method regarding this in QMS Api latest version. But still cannot come up with the solution. Is there any possibility to get user documents alone by passing the user and domain name with server id?
What it is used for?
The Qualify statement is used for switching on the qualification of field names, i.e. field names will get the table name as a prefix.’
In situation where we have two (or more) Tables with the same field names:
Product | Payment |
The Qualify statement will assign name of the Table to fields:
Otherwise you will need to make changes the this path - [Qualify.xlsx]
LOAD [Serial No],
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Product);
LOAD [Serial No],
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Payment);
The Outcome:
Table Viewer:
Read only if you need to know more....
If we have not used ‘QUALIFY’ statement in situation as above Qlikview would map both of the Tables with outcome like below:
The end result -merge of those two Tables is correct only for the “Serial No” fields
The “Value” and “Category” fields although merged is none of use to us.
To fix this we can only Qualify fields that we do not want to associated:
QUALIFY Category,
LOAD [Serial No],
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Product);
QUALIFY Category,
LOAD [Serial No],
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Payment);
or by using UNQUALIFY statement:
(which works as opposite to QUALIFY)
UNQUALIFY [Serial No];
LOAD [Serial No],
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Product);
UNQUALIFY [Serial No];
LOAD [Serial No],
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Payment);
In second example the ‘QUALIFY *’ part will add Table name to all fields and the UNQUALIFY statement will remove those names only from specified fields(this method is very useful if we got large numbers of fields)
Outcome is as below:
Table Viewer:
Feeling Qlikngry?
Have you ever wonder how the examples from the Qlikview help may look like?
Please see below and enjoy responsibly...
Forced association of an arbitrary string representation s with a given number representation x. In QlikView, when several data items read into one field have different string representations but the same valid number representation, they will all share the first string representation encountered. The dual function is typically used early in the script, before other data is read into the field concerned, in order to create that first string representation, which will be shown in list boxes etc.
text - this is first column of data
number- this is second column of data
Qlikview has specific way of storing data. Each field is represented by Text and Number data type called dual.
The Text format is visible to user and the Number is being used for calculation and sorting.
You can imagine that each field has top Text layer and bottom
(like salad in your Hamburger) Number layer.
This association works most of the time and for most of the data type but there are situation that we need to force this association to work the way we want.
Qlik help example contains two tables: inline and from csv file(sample attached)
load dual ( string,numrep ) as DayOfWeek inline
[ string,numrep
Sunday,6 ];
LOAD Date,
(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ',', msq);
//The last line is not part of Qlikview help but you have to have this line to correctly load data into Qlikview
after Reload we have:
As you probably know when Values are on the left hand side they represent Text when on the right Number.
So why we have Text on the right?
In the background (during load) the numbers have been associated with the text.
So what you see is the bun what you do not is the underlay salad:
Practical use:
Example 1
The simple but maybe not the most useful calculation is to add Days of the week from our data =sum(DayOfWeek) |
Example 2
Counting days of the week:
Example 3
(please use attached xlsx file and below Script)
A survey has been conducted and the data in Excel file looks like this:
What we want is to assign more meaningful description to the rate numbers.
mapping load * Inline
[ Rate,Value
Very Good,5
Very Bad,1
dual(Rate,ApplyMap('Data',Rate)) as Rate
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Sheet1);
Now we can create Straight Table or bar Bar Chart:
This function can be use in many different ways.Please research our community to find more examples.
Still feeling hungry?
Do you Qualify?- How to use QUALIFY statement
Missing Manual - GetFieldSelections() + Bonus Example
MaxString & MinString - How to + examples
The second dimension... or how to use secondarydimensionality()
Bullet points:
What actually a value of a string?
This is the value described by ANSI character standard where 0 ( NULL) is equal to 0 and ÿ to 255.
(For full ANSI character set please attached dosument)
Taking only the standard English alphabet (A-z) ‘A’ will be the MIN and ‘z’ will be the MAX.
In ANSI standard A < a and Z < z
Language specific characters will be not recognized in the place where they are in your alphabet but they will be 'pushed' to the end
(see ANSI table)
MinString and MaxString works on dimensions (columns) only so you cannot use is to evaluate single character or strings .
(MaxString(‘a’,’z’…) is not supported
1) MIN & MAX (textbox)
Data | Expression | Results |
MinString(Category) MaxString(Category) |
2) MIN and MAX of String per group (Straight table)
Data | Expression | Result |
MinString(Category) MaxString(Category) |
3) With condition:
Return Max and Min string based on another column
We are looking for MIN and MAX string value from column Category where Country='Poland'
Data | Expression | Solution | Result |
MinString( if(Country='Poland', Category, null()) )
When used with LEFT the result will be the same as without as the value will be still based on first characters.
Data | Expression | Solution | Result |
=MinString( Right(Country,1)) =MaxString( Right(Country,1)) |
5) With MID
Data | Expression | Solution | Result |
=MinString( Mid(Country,2,2)) =MaxString( Mid(Country,2,2)) |
6) With Substring
When our data are little scrambled -TextBetween will return string between '.' and end of the row.
Data | Expression | Result |
=MinString(TextBetween(Country,'.','',1)) =MaxString(TextBetween(Country,'.','',1)) |
7) In set analysis
When Criteria of Sales is 2 return Country with highest and lowest string Value
Data | Expression | Result |
=MinString({<Sales={2}>} Country)
😎 With Aggr()
For each Country return lowest and highest Category string value.
Data | Expression | Result |
=Aggr(Minstring(Category),Country) =Aggr(Maxstring(Category),Country) |
If know about other ways of using these functions please let me know.
This example shows how to call a macro that saves image files for a selected sheet and chart to a specified location on reload.
The saved images could then be published via a web site or Wall Board, for example.
This QlikView was written in response to a post in the QlikView UK user group.
For other tutorial apps you can download and use, please see:
Hope you find this app useful.
Steve Dark
Have you ever wondered how the examples from the Qlikview help may look like?
Please see below and enjoy responsibly...
not a boo...
This function belongs to to Inter-Record functions and can only be used in the script (back-end).
Description(Qlikview Help)
Returns the contents of the fieldname in the record specified by row in the internal table tablename. Data are fetched from the associative QlikView database.
Fieldname must be given as a string (e.g. a quoted literal).
Row must be an integer. 0 denotes the first record, 1 the second and so on. Negative numbers indicate order from the end of the table. -1 denotes the last record read.
If no row is stated, -1 is assumed.
Tablename is a table label without the ending colon. If no tablename is stated, the current table is assumed. If used outside the load statement or referring to another table, the tablename must be included.
Field_name - is a name of of your field(column)
row_no - the row from which the data is returned
(0 is first row
1 is second row
and so on..
-1 is the last row)
table_name - a name of table from where the data are fetched
Returns values from previous row or row specified by the row-no argument.
This is true only if we use this function to create variable (please see below examples)
Data Model
(Copy and Pasted below code into Edit Script window and reload)
peek(Sales) as S1,
peek( Sales,2 ) as S2,
peek( Sales,-2 ) as S3,
if(rowno()=1,Sales,Peek(RunnigTotal,-1)+Sales) as RunnigTotal,
Previous(Sales) as PSales,
numsum( Sales, peek( 'Sales' ) ) as Bsum,
inline [
peek( Sales, 0, 'Tab1' )as S4
resident Tab1;
LET vpeek= peek( 'Sales', -1, 'Tab1' ) ;
Please see below swuehl comments about difference when you use negative or positive numbers as second argument.
Is worth to mention that Peek() is reading from Output table(opposite to Previous() function which reads from Input Table.
LOAD field
RESIDENT InputTable;
source:Difference between peek() and previous() funcation
Example 1
In this example as we did not specify the row_no argument, all but last rows are returned.
peek( 'Sales' )
peek( 'Sales' ) = peek( 'Sales',-1)
Example 2
IF the row_no argument is added only ONE value is returned
peek( 'Sales',2 ) Remember 2 = third row
Example 3
If we use negatives numbers as row_no the return value is our initial table minus number of rows specified by the second argument.
peek( 'Sales',-2 )
As you see the last 2 rows have been removed from the table.
Example 4
The below syntax is used when we want to return value from external table(see data model)
peek( 'Sales', 0, 'Tab1' ) as S4
Example 5
Each row is a SUM of current row + one row above.
numsum( Sales, peek( 'Sales' ) ) as Bsum
How to store value into variable:
With below example
LET vpeek= peek( 'Sales', -1, 'Tab1' ) ;
we will store value of 400 in variable vpeek
and then use in front end development.
Bonus 2
As previously stated we can use Peek to return values from field that was not been yet created.
How does it wok?
In our data model we have this line:
if(rowno()=1,Sales,Peek(RunnigTotal,-1)+Sales) as RunnigTotal,
Although RuningTotal has not yet been loaded we can return the values from that line:
Still feeling Qlikngry?
Have you ever wondered how the examples from the Qlikview help may look like?
Please see below and enjoy responsibly...
Returns a string with the current selections in a field.
valueSep - is the separator to be put between field values. The default is ', '.
max_values - is the maximum number of field values to be individually listed.
When a larger number of values is selected the format 'x of y values' will be used instead.
The default is 6.
Script to play with:
Load * Inline
Example 1:
GetFieldSelections(Year )
Our field Year has 10 values (Years from 2007 to 2016)
The default separator is ',' (coma)
The maximum default numbers of values is 6
We used the same expression for all 3 sets of data
Left: Selection of 6 values
Middle: When more that 6 values the result will change to show the values which are not selected.
Right: Selecting whole sets of values will return 'ALL' as result
Data | Expression and Results |
Example 2: valueSep
We can assign here any character (or string).
Examples 3: max_values
The default values of 6 is overwritten by the value we have specified(10)
When playing with this function somehow I managed to get result like below
If you can replicate it please post it.
Practical use:
Still feeling hungry?
Do you Qualify?- How to use QUALIFY statement
Missing Manual - GetFieldSelections() + Bonus Example
MaxString & MinString - How to + examples
The second dimension... or how to use secondarydimensionality()
Hi All,
This is the collection of Incremental Load in Qlikview.
Hope this will help you.
Thank you.
Script for Incremental Loading of Multiple QVDs from a List of Table Names
Incremental Load Scenarios.pdf
incremental load issue while executing
Different Ways to load data in qlikview
Partial Reload Easy and Simple
Switch Between Full Load And Incremental Load
Re: Incremental Load in Script
Concatenate Incremental logic for Deleted records
( based on a true story)
Return Average of last 3 months(not including current one)
(Click on picture to see full size)
Create Straight Table (Layout-->New Sheet Object-->Chart...) -->
Year and Month
as dimension -->
and Sales as expression.
(In this example Sales and SUM(Sales) deliver the same results as we have unique values in Month dimension. -->
The expression we are going to take apart is:
Step 1) SUM()
The syntax of SUM in Qlikview is quite complicated when used in charts:
(We not going to investigate that now so please refer to Qlikview Help for more details)
For our example we only need:
The result of this expression is:
Step 2) ABOVE()
ABOVE takes 3 parameters:
expression - which in our example is: SUM(Sales).(we are ignoring the total here)
offset- this is integer value(0,1,2...) to specify how many rows the whole expression should be move down in relation to current row
n - this is integer value(1,2...) and will return range of values.
The last parameter will only work when used as argument with another Chart Range Function
(please see Qlikview Help for details)
The result of wrapping SUM with ABOVE
is presented below.
Offset of 1,2 and 5 rows:
Step 3) Rangeavg()
This function returns average of values or expressions:
Rangeavg(1,1) =1
RangeAvg(sum(1+2),sum(2+3)) is equal to RangeAvg(3,5)=4
Step 4)
So what actually is going on behind the scene we we use:
We can rephrase that expression to:
" Sum values from dimension Sales then go 1 row above and take values from 3 rows going up"
So based on our example :
Will always return NULL
as we can not got above row 1 -->
Row two:
We can only go 1 row up and return 1 value
Rangeavg(2000) = 2000
Row three:
"Go up 1 and return 3 values going up"
We can only go 2 rows up:
Rangeavg (2000,3000) =
Row four:
"Go up 1 row..."
This is first row where values from 3 rows above
can be returned(Row 1, Row 2 ,Row 3)
Rangeavg(Row 1, Row 2 ,Row 3) = Rangeavg(2000+3000+1000)=6000/3=2000
Row five:
Rangeavg(Row 2, Row 3 ,Row 4)
and so on...
The final result:
The offset parameter of the ABOVE function according to Qlikview Help: