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I noticed that few of my post are moderated, they are marked as "Currently being moderated";
are all those that contain external links?
moderate posts are only visible to other users after approval?
See here: Moderated discussions?
Key words like f-r-e-e and l-i-v-e trigger moderation and so do any hyperlinks to anything outside community.qlik.com.
Posts are only visible to the poster until a moderator approves them. It would be pretty pointless if this wasn't the case.
See here: Moderated discussions?
Key words like f-r-e-e and l-i-v-e trigger moderation and so do any hyperlinks to anything outside community.qlik.com.
Posts are only visible to the poster until a moderator approves them. It would be pretty pointless if this wasn't the case.
post was approved in few minutes (http://community.qlik.com/thread/102770)
position of the post in the discussion is correct (just before your ............ but perhaps you couldn't see my post)
time is time of approval