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Community Manager
Community Manager

Read on for the April 2024 enhancements of Qlik Community.

Hello Qlik Community!

Today’s release of enhancements is short and sweet but we will be adding to it over the next couple of weeks.


New branding on Footer

The branding of the footer has been refreshed to align more with



Tweaked Pendo code

To alleviate duplicate accounts within Pendo, we have adjusted some code.


Join Qlik Nation

Customers and Partners of Qlik can join Qlik Nation, our advocacy platform to participate in activities that earn points towards Qlik swag. Not a member? You can find invitation widgets sprinkled through some of the forums.



Stay tuned for more to come during the month of April!

Everyone have a fantastic week!

Your Community Admins,

Melissa, Sue, Jamie and Nicole

@Melissa_Potvin @Sue_Macaluso @Jamie_Gregory @nicole_ulloa