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I want to count my bill number on distinct date. how can I do this?
Thanks for all you help it is really appriciated but I solved it by creating a new field and counting this field distinct.
Not sure if I understand your request properly, but maybe
=count( aggr( [bill number], date))
Or could you post some lines of sample date together with your expected outcome?
ok my data looks like this,
Date, BillNr, Store, Product, Price
01.01.2011, 6, 730, 124, 120
01.01.2011, 6, 730, 258, 159
05.01.2011, 6, 730, 456, 250
so the count should be 1 for the BillNr 6 on 01.01.2011 in Store 730
and count should be 1 for the BillNr 6 on 05.01.2011 in Store 730
Does this make my problem more understandable?
Thanks for your help
Ok, the solution will also depend on where / in which context you want to calculate your result.
For example, if you are using a straight table with dimensions, BillNr, Store, Date, an expression like count( distinct BillNr) should be enough.
You can also extend my above suggestion to include store number:
=count( aggr( BillNr, Store, Date))
You can use this expression in a straigt table or in a text box.
you answer was helpfull but the count is still a little bit too high. I have more Bills then I actually have.
i know why it is too high. I have also a field in my table that has 0 or 1 for maincustomer so how can I do it that i only see the BillNr that was bought form a maincustomer??
Not sure which approach you are following, but you can use a conditional or a set expression to limit your records to maincustomer, maybe like
=count({<maincustomer = {1}>} aggr( BillNr, Store, Date))
ok I just don't know how to get the right result. ok I have a straight table and the dimension is store. if I use count(aggr(Date, BillNr)) -> no result (QV cant do it)
count(aggr(BillNr, Date)) -> weird result
count(aggr(store,BillNr, date)) -> better result but still wrong
I dont know what to do anymore! Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
order of arguments to aggr() function is important, first is aggr() expression, then following aggr dimensions.
Since you want to count BillNr, I assume you need
=count(aggr(BillNr, Store, Date))
to count distinct BillNr per Store and Date
It always returns 0. I really dont understand it.