I am having an internal table as follows
10/10/2017,Durga Pooja
Here in the image below I have two variables
1st variable
1.compday(comparison no of days ) which is user defined variable which means when the user will enter no. of days which he wants say 6 so the corresponding formula should be calculated as mentioned in variable 2

2. DaysOfcomp is a second variable which will calculate following formula
eg =(20171012)-6
it gives value as 43014
if taken this variable DaysOfComp in text box it will give value as 10/6/2017
now I am getting following values in charts for the expression given below
=Sum({<Sold_Date = {"=$(=Date(date(Sold_Date) - $(compday)))"}>} [inv value])

now I simply want the 2nd variable used here DaysOfComp should be used in expression
if taken this variable DaysOfComp in text box it will give value as 10/6/2017
so I want to use variable DaysOfComp in the expression. I want to have sales for the date 10/6/2017 to be depicted in chart
Please help !!