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All you need to know about licensing QlikView[1]

In this webinar we will discuss:

• Local licensing (QVLC license)
• License lease
• Single and Multi-node cluster In QV Server/Publisher
• License types
• Configuration and settings

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Q&A - All you need to know about licensing QlikView

Q: In Client You enter which licence?

A: You want to be sure the Product Level in the LEF shows as a 1, 2 or 3, if it is 10 or 30, that is going to be your QlikView Server and Publisher respectively, and those will not work in the Client, so be sure the LEF shows a 1, 2 or 3 in the Product Level line, that is how you know it is a Desktop Client license.

Q: Does QlikView consider a named user license having been "used" after consuming an application from the Access Point, after leasing a license from the Enterprise Servers with QlikView Desktop, or both?  (i.e. What drives the License "Last Used"

A: The answer is both, either one of the above will consume a Named User CAL if you have Allow License Lease and Allow Dynamic CAL Assignment options set in the QlikView Server License area.

Q: What is the date next to the Product Level?

A: The date represents the maintenance date as well as the date that is checked to determine your entitlement to major release upgrades.  In order to upgrade to the next major release, you need to be sure the Product Level date is at or past the release date of the new major release for the license to work with the new release.  The one thing I did not cover is the Update License From Server button in the QlikView Server License area, and that will simply update the LEF information, so as long as the server has access to the internet to access the license servers, simply clicking that button will result in the LEF getting updated if it is out of date, so it never hurts to click that to be sure you have the most current LEF information as well.

Q: In Client You enter which licence, server or client to get the LEF for Server

A: You want to be sure the Product Level is a 1, 2 or 3 for the license to work with the Desktop Client, see the previous related Q/A for further details on how to check this.

Q: Can we cover mobile client setup in this session?

A: Apologies for not covering this topic, but we will add it to the list of potential future topics.  Be sure you review the Mobile Client Reference Manual as well, as it covers some of the information regarding requirements for the mobile client and offline functionality as well.

Q: We can lease license from test server any reason why?

A: You cannot lease a license from any test server license, you must lease from a production license, and the reason for this is we give you a matching set of CALs from the production license on your test license(s).  If we allowed leases on both servers at that point, it would be a form of getting two for one, hopefully that helps explain why you can only lease from the production license.  If you have a restriction on access to the production servers to lease, then the only real option would be to obtain QVLC license keys for the developers, which you should contact your account manager to discuss further with you, and they should be able to work through the use case and get you configured with the correct license keys to meet your needs.

Q: Suppose we not allocatd user on production.

A: The requirement for license leases is a Named CAL from a production server, please see above comment for additional details.

Q: I noticed we can lease instead of assign in production

A: Apologies, I am not exactly sure of what information was needed on this one, hopefully the previous answers cover it.

Q: What was the shortcut used to trigger the manual LEF window?

A: The shortcut is to open your QlikView Desktop Client, go to the Help menu and then the License Update option.  In the resulting dialog, hold the Ctrl and Shift keys and then left click when you have the arrow pointer showing inside the dialog, if the text pointer is showing it will not work properly.  You should then get a new dialog where you can enter the license key for which you wish to check the LEF.  On a side note, I believe the new Support portal will also have an option to self check LEFs as well, so be sure to check out the new portal next week too.

Q: Will the IEplugin lice work with the next version of QlikView?

A: Yes, except for Windows 10 and the Edge browser, Microsoft is no longer including the ActiveX components in Edge, so the Plugin will not work in Windows 10, but it will be available in Internet Explorer 11 etc.  Please be sure to check the System Requirements and Release Notes for QlikView 12 when they become available, as this is where you can confirm the exact requirements and what is supported.

Q: Can we Add multiple access point URLS here in the desktop client?

A: Unfortunately no, you can only specify a single URL there, but I am assuming the question may have been based upon needing to manage multiple environments, and if that is the case, you only need to lease from one of the environments, that lease will allow you to open any QVW file from any other environment.  The one place I see this being a problem is where you may have Section Access specific to each environment, so in that case I would say you likely need to use a Userid/Password entry as well to give yourself a single ID you can use to get into all of your applications, best workaround I can offer on that aspect.  Hopefully this covers things.

Q: Any "stickyness" associated with the CAL when deleted after assignment, or is it re-allocated right away?

A: No stickyness, but there is a quarantine on the Named CALs such that if they have been used within the last 24 hours, there will be a 24 hour wait before you can remove the user from the CAL to reassign to someone else.  I would recommend reviewing the QV11_2_Licensing_SRxx.pdf file, which I believe is part of the documentation package from the download site, as this has a lot of very useful information regarding the proper use of each of the CAL types as well as the order they are used.

Q: Is there a way to automatically delete assigned Named User CALs after a specific time period? Example: User hasn't accessed the license in 30 days, automatically delete.

A: This is a situation you will want to discuss with your account manager, as the intended use of Named CALs is such that the CAL should be assigned to the user as long as they are going to be using the product, it is a license violation to be reassigning Named CALs to allow more users to have access to the system.  I would refer to the previous question and the pdf document as well as being sure to discuss things with your account manager, as it is likely your use case may require a different mix of CALs to meet your needs properly.  If you have users that are only occasionally using the product, it may be better to utilize some Session or Usage CALs for those users, but again, your account manager and the presales consultants can review your use case and make recommendations on the proper mix of things.

Q: When I click "License Information" on the start page, I get "Using local license key". Does that mean I am not leasing from the server? I thought we only had server licenses.

A: Correct, you have a QVLC license in that case, and if you go to Help\License Update, the LEF there should have ProductLevel 3 on it or possibly 1 or 2 if you guys are an older customer.  If you want to lease instead of using the license key, just click the Clear License button in the Settings\User Preferences\License tab and then set yourself up to use your Named CAL instead, but the QVLC license should work great for you as well.

Q: We have a current licensing problem/question: we began 2006 with Analyser, Professional and Enterprise licences for the clients. Just in the last weeks Qlik came up and met, the client licenses are NOT licensed to access the server??

A: Correct, Desktop Client licenses only allow the client to be able to open any QVW file etc. in order to open files via File\Open in Server, you must also have a Server CAL available too.  If the developers need access to the files on the server, you would need to do a file share and give the developers a UNC path to that share.  I would be careful here though in that you are going to want some sort of staging area etc. such that you have some version control etc. going on, otherwise you may get into a situation where multiple developers are working on something concurrently and they will likely wipe out each others changes in that case...  Hopefully I hit what you were trying to sort out.

Q: Could you tell me from where I can check when Qliview server licesnes will be expired?

A: You want to check the LEF for the QlikView Server via the QMC\System\License\QlikView Server\QlikView Server License tab and look for the date by the PRODUCTLEVEL, if that date is in the future, that signifies you are current on maintenance etc.  If the date is expired, try clicking the Update License From Server button in the lower right corner as well, as it may just be that the LEF did not update automatically for some reason.  If you have no internet connection, you can use the Desktop Client shortcut I showed, Help\License Update\Ctrl-Shift and left click where you have an arrow and not text pointer and put the license in the resulting dialog and then copy the new LEF info from there and paste it over into the LEF box on the server.

Q: Did I understand you correctly?  Licenses on my test server should match production.  Cannot lease from test but used for test server Access Point usage.

A: Correct, you should have matching CAL types and numbers between your production license and your test license, if not, please get up with your account manager and/or our Orders team to get that corrected for you.  Again, you cannot lease against your test server CALs, but they are used for your users to be able to access that server environment, and that would include the developers accessing to see how things are going to look on the server as well.  Hopefully that covers things.

Q: Never had a problem before, paid every invoice we got, including the developer and professional maintainance... seems nobody there still knows our old licenses. They are now checking in the moment... just wanted to know what you can tell.

A: The best thing to do would be to reach out to our Concierge team or your account manager or the Orders team, as they should be able to track everything down for you.

Q: I have a user who is also an administrator. They cannot open the Qlikview Management Console. Could this be a user licensing issue?

A: Be sure the Administrator is in the local QlikView Administrators security group on the server running the Management Server, that should be what the issue is in this case.  If you only want them to be able to administer their documents, check the QMC Help, which is the Help link in the upper right corner of any QMC page, it is context sensitive by page you are on, for further information configuring document administrators, as this will restrict them from seeing the System and User tabs, which you may want in this case.

Q: Using NPrint as well. Can we automatically extend a lease?

A: I am not exactly sure of what you are asking on this one, as I am not an NPrinting guru, so I would ask you to go ahead and open up a support case on this, and we should be able to get you the correct answer on this.  I believe license leased Desktop Clients are fine with NPrinting, except in cases where you may be doing 'batch' calls to the QV.exe, that can be problematic I believe, and you may need a QVLC license in that case for things to not have problems when the lease runs out, as in those situation the batch process is not able to update the license automatically etc.

Q: In Client, you enter which licence, server or client to get the LEF for Server

A: So for the LEF shortcut, if you are trying to get the LEF for your server, you would open your Desktop Client, go to Help\License Update and do the Ctrl-Shift Left Click where you have a pointer and then in the resulting license check dialog paste in your server license there, and that will return the LEF for the server.  Sorry I was not more clear on that point during the presentation.

Q: Can you explain about Named CAL leasing on more than two machines if it is possible?

A: You are allowed to least two times against your Named CAL, so it might be a laptop and desktop for instance, or it might be workstation and server etc.  If you need to be able to access the Desktop Client from multiple machines, i.e. you are the administrator and need to be able to check scripts and such, what I would recommend in that case is contacting your account manager and discuss getting a QVLC license with a contract stipulation that you are allowed to use that license on multiple machines for administration purposes, as that is really the only good way to be able to use the Desktop Client across your envioronments if you have multiples.

Q: Can you please explain the execution services?  My license shows two.  What does that mean?

A: So number of XS 2, means you can have two separate QDS resources in QMC\System\Setup\Distribution Services, where those would be independent of each other, or you could have a cluster QDS resource, which means on the QDS@server resource on the General tab settings, you would have two service URLs specified, one to each of the two servers upon which you are running the Distriction Service, but do not forget you need to be sure the Source document and App Data folder paths must be a file share that both servers/services have full control over at that point.  For further assistance with your use case, I would recommend reaching out to your account manager and arranging a call with one of the solution architects to review things with you to determine the best way to configure things in your situation.

Q: How many licenses need for LoadBalancing?

A: This is tricky, as I am not sure if you meant QlikView Server or Web Server load balancing.  For web server load balancing you can basically have as many web servers as you wish.  For QlikView Server load balancing, the QlikView Server license is going to dictate how many cluster nodes you can have, check your QlikView Server LEF file and the Number of Cluster nodes number, as that will tell you how many nodes you are allowed.  Hopefully this is what you needed.  Oh for web server load balancing, be sure the network load balancer is properly configured for sticky sessions, as that is a requirement, cookies tend to work best as well.  If you have further questions, I would contact your account manager and arrange for a call with one of the solution architects to review things with you.

Q: Do we need to pay the renewal fee for QlikView Client license?

A: If you want to be able to upgrade to the newer major releases and you want to be able to open support cases, yes, you do need to keep your maintenance current.

Q: Can you please show sample ticket created in event log?

A: On important piece I failed to mention on this, your logging level for your Event logs must be set to High, my apologies for leaving that out.  Here are the log entries for creation and consumption:

Ticket created: Ticket (C342F684EE0A6EBE7F126979A2AE939C3F2C609E) for Domain\Userid. (Where Domain\Userid is the actual user in your environment)

Ticket Lookup: Ticket C342F684EE0A6EBE7F126979A2AE939C3F2C609E was found.

Q: Can developer > professional > analyzer +, connect to server same as analyser...?

A: Yes, provided the actual user has a CAL available on the server, they will be able to do a File\Open in Server regardless of the client being licensed otherwise.

Q: My understanding is that there is a 30 days quarantine period on CALs once you remove the user. Is the 30 days a setting that can be changed somewhere?

A: There is a 24 hour quarantine on the CAL if the user has used it within the last 24 hours, if not, the user should be removed from it immediately, and it can be reassigned, but please be sure you read previous similar posts regarding the license pdf document and intended use of Named CALs as well.  The 30 days is the license lease time period, so once you lease a license from the server in the Desktop Client, the client can be used with no access to the server for up to 30 days, but after that the Desktop Client will have to be able to connect back to the QlikView Server to renew the license lease.

Q: Is there a way to automatically clear licenses?

A: The QMS API's have the ability to allow you to write something yourself, but please be sure you review the license pdf mentioned in prior answer to be sure you understand the use case and you do not end up violating the license agreement with us.  This is a tricky area, and I would highly recommend discussing this with your account manager prior to implementing anything here.

Q: How does client get connected for license lease when you open with IE plugin licence? Generally licence lease on client is through open in server.

A; The Desktop Client and IEPlugin share the same settings, so that is how opening a document via the AccessPoint with the IEPlugin automatically obtains your license lease for the Desktop as well provide the clients are being run on the same machine.  Otherwise you would have to access things from each client separately if they are not on the same machine.

Q: If I click on the gauge chart then log not generated

A: I assume you are referring to the Audit Logging feature, check the QMC\System\Setup\QlikView Server resource and the Logging tab, in particular the Enable Audit Logging and Enable Extensive Audit Logging.  Be sure to click the Help link in the upper right corn of that page for additional information regarding those settings, as they will impact performance to a degree.

Q: There is not function on QMC for document lic cleaning. Have problem using the QVmanager freeware - possibly QVS cluster issue.  will this doc cleaning function added to new release QMC?

A: Sorry, we cannot comment on future functionality.  The important thing is to be sure you have registered the feature request with us, which you can do via support.

Q: What is the purpose of pgo files coming to server?

A: Those files are persistent group object files, and they do different things, the CalData is pretty much as it sounds, it maintains all of your CAL information, the TicketData one maintains the tickets for the users, the IniData is basically the Settings.ini information, and the others are system related.  The one you do not want to lose is the CalData unless you are doing dynamic assignment of your Named CALs anyway, otherwise you may need to re-enter your Named CAL assignments if something happens to the file.

Q: We are discussing access point but we not covered folder security setup

A: This presentation was for licensing, we will consider doing a future session on security, but that is a difficult topic, as most everyone is going to have a little different use case, so I would recommend you arrange a call with your account manager and a solution architect to discuss your specific use case, as that would be the best thing to do in order to be sure you get the right implementation for your use case.

Q: Can you confirm, a leased license is allowed on 2 different machines?

A: Yes, you are allowed to lease from two different machines with your Named CAL.

Q: Is read only folder acess enough to view data from the access point?

A: Yes, it should be, that is the default configuration of most servers as far as NTFS rights go.

Q: Do we need write permission also?

A: No, write permission should not be required for the QVW files by the users, the service account must have full control though.

Q: In our setup .pgo is often getting corrupted, what we need to do for this?

A: I would assume you are not on 11.20 SR12, and if that is the case, that would be my first recommendation, and if you still see any issues, you will also need to create a 'fresh' set of pgo files, and that should result in the corruption ending, but you can try using your existing files first and only recreate if you still experience problems after the upgrade.  Please also note that corruption can be related to your storage mechanism as well, i.e. network latency etc. if you are using other file servers, and in that case I would recommend you contact your account manager to arrange for a health check review of your configuration/environment.

Q: Can we create alias of accesspoint?

A: Not exactly sure what you mean, apologies.  If you mean a friendly URL, yes, just set the path to C:\Program Files\QlikView\Web, and be sure index.htm is the default page.  Hopefully that answers things.

Q: In future are you going to add option to run reduced load ( Debug) load for huge documents from publisher?

A: We cannot comment on future functionality, sorry.  Your best bet it to be sure the feature request has been submitted, but I would venture this is not something likely to occur, as normally you would be doing your debugging in the Desktop Client anyway.  You want to be sure to provide the use case on this, so we can get it to Product Management.

Q: Is there a way to specify if a user should use a named CAL VS a Session cal?

A: I would recommend reviewing the License pdf I mentioned in an earlier post, as that is going to be the best reference, and look for the section on how the CALs are checked, as there is a specific order to things.  Basically, Named CAL is at the top of the list, Session CAL is further down, but things will go down the order and if no CAL is available, the user will get a corresponding message to that effect.

Q: Can we have another session on QlikSense Licensing?

A: Yes, we can definitely consider this for a future session.

Q: How do you determine the correct number and type of CALS you should have for your site?

A: This is best handled by your account manager and the solution architects, so I would recommend setting up a call with them to discuss the path forward.

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