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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

[Article] The Rise of Language-Centric Analytics

In the wake of the recent surge in the adoption and advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs), I've found myself contemplating the profound implications for the field of analytics and the evolving role of data and business analysts.

With each stride made in natural language processing technology, my fascination with its transformative potential only deepened. However, as I delved into the current applications of LLMs and Generative AI, I couldn't shake the sense that something vital was missing.

Despite the undeniable capabilities exhibited by these models, their relevance to real-world business scenarios often seemed nebulous. The disconnect between the touted examples and the practical needs of businesses left many questioning the applicability of these technologies.

It was amidst this backdrop of uncertainty that the concept of Language-Centric Analytics began to crystallize in my mind, after much reflection, discourse, and experimentation. This paradigm shift places language at the heart of the analytical process, recognizing its innate familiarity and accessibility as a means of interaction. By reframing analytics around language, we pave the way for a more intuitive and inclusive approach to data exploration and interpretation. The journey towards Language-Centric Analytics holds the promise of reshaping not only how we analyze data but also how we perceive and harness its potential to drive meaningful insights and informed decisions.

About that topic, I just published a short article in the Data Voyagers blog. This text serves as an introduction to this concept. I hope you all enjoy it.

The Rise of Language-Centric Analytics (


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