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Qlikvew Server Performance Issues (Preceding Loads)


I was wondering if someone could please help me in figuring out this perfomance problem. We currently have Qlikview 10 SR4 installed on our Sever with the following hardware and settings

  • 40 Physical Core Processors (Intel(R) Xeon CPU      E7-4870 @ 2.4GHz)
  • 512 GB of RAM
  • 64 Bit Operating System
  • Hyper Threading disabled

The problem lies in the fact that my local PC (4 Cores Only) can load un-optimized QVDs faster than the Server. Some load time differences could be over 2 mins compared to 30 seconds on the local PC.

The problem seems to lie in Qlikview's Preceding Loads. For Example loading data from the Data Warehouse is almost ten times faster on the Server when you do not have a preceding load in front of the SQL query. You would expect way better performance from such a powerful Server.

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can help me solve this performance problem. Thanks again.

Kind Regards


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