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The New Qlik Learning Experience is Here! GET STARTED
Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome Talend Community members to the Qlik Community!

We are so DELIGHTED to have you be a part of the Qlik family and Qlik Community! Our Community is a place to ask questions, find solutions, engage with other members and employees, and so much more. We would like to take this time to show you around and help you acclimate to your new surroundings.

Before we start showing you the ropes, a very important note:


Please register (click 'Sign Up' underneath the login form) for the Qlik Community by creating a Qlik Account. You MUST use the same email address used to register on the Talend Community. This will ensure your activity from the Talend Community persists within the Qlik Community.

If you do not remember the email address you signed up with or do not see your previous activity, please reach out to

If you are a member of both Communities, your accounts should merge into one. If this is not what you experienced, please reach out to


Participating in the Discussions

The Talend forums can be found by going to Forums > Data Integration. Here you will find a section called, ‘Formerly Talend’. The board names have remained the same to ensure a seamless experience. All posts have been brought over, as well as any attachments, embedded links, and likes (kudos).


Searching the Knowledgebase

Members of the Support and Digital Experience team have been hard at work, combing through the Talend articles checking validity and updating the content to ensure the latest and greatest information is at your fingertips. About 900 articles are available in the Community, with more on the way!

The articles can be found under Support > Knowledge > Official Support Articles.

Official Support Articles.gif

Use the search bar to find articles using key terms, phrases, error messages, etc. 


Filter the results using the facets on the left of the search results. Filter by 'Product' or 'Labels by Topic' to find what you are looking for.


The remaining articles will be added within the next couple of weeks. If there is anything you need and do not see, please let us know. Also in the coming weeks, redirects will be added to accommodate any saved bookmarks. 


Creating Support Cases

Combining the two Communities is one amazing step towards integrating the two companies. The Support Portals will remain separate for the time being, which requires Authorized Support Contacts to continue to use the Talend Support portal to create cases.

Existing articles can still be found in the Support portal; however, they will only be maintained in the Qlik Community.


Viewing My Profile

All members that have logged in since January of 2019, were brought into the Qlik Community. Please note: if you registered for the Talend Community on or after January 11, 2024, your user will not be in the Qlik Community.

To get to your profile, click on the avatar in the top right corner and click “My Profile”.

My profile.gif


The profile will display any recent conversations you participated in and show your current rank plus any badges earned. It will also display stats such as the number of posts, solutions accepted, likes given and likes received.

Your rank will replace the points you earned in the Talend Community. The more active you are, the higher the rank you will achieve. Learn more about ranks in the Qlik Community here.

Badges earned have been replaced with the Qlik Community badges. The two systems were very similar with badging, so you should mostly see the same badges.

Please note: badges will not appear on your profile until you log into the Qlik Community.


Learn more about Qlik Community

Here are some helpful resources to learn more about Qlik Community:

For more useful content about Qlik Community, see Get Started and Suzy’s Tips.


Where to ask questions about Qlik Community

We know this is a big change, but we hope an exciting one! If you should have any questions about Qlik Community, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can find us at the Water Cooler.


This is a lot of information all at once so please let us know in the comments below or in the Water Cooler what questions you have. We are here to help you through this transition.

Welcome again, we are thrilled to have you here!

Your Qlik Community Admins,

Melissa, Sue, Jamie, and Nicole

@Melissa_Potvin @Sue_Macaluso @Jamie_Gregory @nicole_ulloa