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Change map format based on zoom level

I am trying to create a single map with the native QlikSense mapping capabilities.

I would like to start with a heatmap by US state. As the user zooms into a region, it switches to a heatmap by county of all the counties available in the active window. Further zoom will switch the map to a point map rather than polygonal.

Thank you.

2 Replies
Partner - Master III
Partner - Master III

What is the issue?

Not applicable

The issue is that the out of the box functionality appears to only support a single polygonal structure. If it set to states, it will remain states regardless of the zoom level. Also, the point-type map appears to be completely different from a polygonal map - I don't see how to switch to displaying points on the same map.

If this is possible with the standard map object from QlikSense, can you please tell me how to architect it?

Thank you.