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WHat does the following means ?
When DMS is used the QVW file on disk is only available to the account running the QVS and not to any of the users located in the DMS access list.
The QlikView Server Service, via DMS, makes that document available to anyone who has been granted permission to see it.
The issue is who is controlling access to the files. If you choose NTFS, then Windows NT is controlling who may access files. If you choose DMS, then QlikView Server Service (QSS) is controlling who may access the files. If you choose DMS, then only the QSS needs to access the file on the Windows file system. The QSS then, based on the DMS permissions, makes the file available to the users.
It means that the QVW file that's stored in a folder on the Windows files system has NTFS permissions set so that only the QlikView Server administrator account (the account that is running the QVS services) is allowed to access that file.
I noticed that you have a lot of great questions about QlikView Server. May I suggest that you take the QlikView Server Publisher training course? Our QlikView Server Publisher training course will answer many of your questions and give you a solid foundation in understanding, configuring and managing your QlikView platform.
HEy Terry,
My company is looking for QLikVIew Server Publisher Training as soon as possible through virtual class room. So can u suggest me any upcoming possible date??
And may i ask one more thing :
YOu said in your reply only Administrator has permission to access the file . But the file should be visible to users also , then how's that possible ??
The QlikView Server Service, via DMS, makes that document available to anyone who has been granted permission to see it.
The issue is who is controlling access to the files. If you choose NTFS, then Windows NT is controlling who may access files. If you choose DMS, then QlikView Server Service (QSS) is controlling who may access the files. If you choose DMS, then only the QSS needs to access the file on the Windows file system. The QSS then, based on the DMS permissions, makes the file available to the users.
You have a couple of choices for training:
I have included a list of upcoming Server Publisher Training in the US. The next virtual training is on September 15.
For information on Training visit our Training page, QlikView Training - Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting Software Solutions | Qlik
To look up available classes, select on the "Find Training" link on the right hand side.