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Email trigger on Post Reload using Batch

Hi Friends,

I am trying to generate a report using macro on PostReload. When I run it on desktop developer environment, it works correctly on reload. When I publish it on server, post reload doesn't execute macro. I tried using Batch reload.

"C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe" /r "C:\Mayank_Qlikview\ShareQvw\HPO.qvw"

It executes but again macro doesn't work. I don't get any error message on screen but email which is supposed to be triggered with attachement doesn't work.

Help please!!


5 Replies
Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Try opening and reloading your QlikView with a .vbs file.

The file could have the following script:

set Qv = CreateObject("QlikTech.QlikView")
set shell = createobject("")

success = shell.appactivate("Qlikview - [Start Page]")
Set docObj = Qv.OpenDoc("E:\QlikView\test.qvw,3,false)

Set docObj= Nothing
Set Qv= Nothing

Regards, Karl

Not applicable

Thanks Karl!

But in my case, I can’t open document created on my desktop at server. So, it may not work for me.


Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni


Are you using QV Publisher or just QV Server to do the reloads?  What version of QlikView are you using?  I remember this was a problem en QV before version 8.5, but I had heard that this was the post reload trigger was working in later versions although I haven't tested it and I'm almost sure it was triggered when reloading for publisher.

I'm curious about this, too, so I'm going to see if I have time to test it this week.


Not applicable

I am using 10.0. I am able to run post reload macro on my desktop. But when I execute on server, license issue comes(I have 4 more chances to re-open on this machine since this document was created somewhere else). Now, if I use .bat file for post reload macro, reload happens but macro doesn’t execute on my desktop as well!!

So I have two issues,

- How to run post reload macro through .bat

- How to run it on server? I have publisher license.



Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Hi Mayank,

What this means, you are not leasing license from the QVS. On the server open the Dev client (qv.exe) and lease a license from QVS. To do this you need to add a Named CAL for the user you are using for your batch reloads. Once you are done with it, just lease the licenses and your batch eloads should run fine.

Now, it may be advisable to buy and install a QVLC license on the server under same batch user you are using to avoide leasing license from server. When running in batch, QV doesn't know how to renew the license lease from QVS.

Hope this helps.