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Hello ,
I have been trying to Execute R code from 60 server and that R is installed on 140 server. With below Execute command in QVW.
EXECUTE "\\\C$\Program Files\R\R-3.3.2\bin\x64\Rcmd.exe" BATCH "\\\E$\sh\Sh_Changes_Portfolio\ClaimPA_IT-harshal_ErrorFree60.r"
It works fine when i manually reload qvw. but when i scheduled it on QMC its failing everytime with attached error.
Please help on this. I tried executing that command from command prompt it worked. but not working through QMC.
Does the QMC service account have access to all the resources referenced by the command (including admin level to access the hidden C$ and E$ shares)?
Try below in Execute Command
wmic /node:YourServerIP /user:userName /password:passWord process call create 'cmd.exe /c call "YourBatPath"'
Modify as per your requirement.
is below Execute statement correct as per your command-
EXECUTE wmic /node:\\ /user:QLIKSENSE\SBILSUADM /password:password process call create 'cmd.exe /c call "E:\sh\Sh_Changes_Portfolio\Fraud R code.bat"';
I tried above command but its not running R code it just pops up cmd and closes.
all command come inside double quote
EXECUTE " Command"
not working Prashant.
I tried above command but its not running R code it just pops up cmd and closes.
Yes service ID has full rights on that file and folders on other server. I am able to run manually but through QMC its failing.