Join Qlik's office-hours, recorded live, where our experts help you with your dashboard, app, and visualization related questions. This month's topic is: App Development.
- 01:17 - Plans to add field level triggers?
- 01:52 - Plans to select multiple fields at once in a chart?
- 02:55 - Is the container object different on Qlik Cloud?
- 03:44 - How to include an image with a KPI object?
- 06:49 - Plans to add conditions to the Layout Container?
- 08:21 - How to change text color base on conditions?
- 08:52 - How to get Bookmark IDs from a published app?
- 10:28 - Does the newest NPrinting have the same functionality as 16?
- 11:16 - How to request future functionality?
- 12:08 - Is there a public Qlik?
- 12:53 - Any videos on how to create a REST connection?
- 13:55 - Why not all Cloud features in Qlik Sense Client Managed?
- 15:06 - How to access Qlik blogs?
- 16:19 - How to export to PowerPoint?
- 17:17 - How do backups work with Qlik Cloud?
- 19:18 - Is version control available?
- 20:06 - Plans to make Straight Tables horizontal?
- 20:33 - How to migrate QV NPrinting reports to Sense?
- 21:33 - Is there a Gantt chart available?
- 22:21 - Can visualisations be created from a shared drive?
- 22:49 - How to access ESG add-on?
- 23:11 - Does Qlik allow automation workflows?
- 24:49 - Are there performance evaluation apps for Qlik Sense?
- 26:15 - Will the Tool Tip be available for Pivot Table in QS?
- 26:56 - New Pivot Table demo
- 29:38 - Are Live reports possible?
- 30:39 - What introductory courses are available?
- 31:20 - Are the courses free?
- 31:35 - How to use Maps in Qlik?
- 32:11 - How can we calculate memory consumption on Qlik Cloud?
- 33:08 - How to know which objects take more time to load?
- 33:40 - Is native write back available?
- 34:09 - Can you schedule subscriptions or file transfer?
- 34:39 - Are there any considerations for the Layout Container?
- 35:17 - When was the Layout Container available in Client Managed?
- 35:51 - Can Qlik make Nursing performance dashboards?
- 36:12 - Can users select their own data to import?
- 37:19 - Is Big Querry connection possible in Qlik 2022?
- 38:09 - How to create a line char with 2 Y-axis?
- 40:09 - Can you add live text to a chart?
- 41:58 - Does using the Layout Container affect performance?
- 42:33 - Is there an issue connecting to Outlook SMTP email servers?
- 43:49 - Can data connections be used in multiple spaces?
- 44:47 - How to use company specific colors?
- 45:58 - Can you add HTML formatted text in objects?
- 47:07 - How to hide user-specific sheets?
- 48:26 - How to replace the default selection with current selections?
- 49:14 - How to add Current date to bookmarks?
- 51:39 - Can Section Access ignore selections in the Master Calendar?
- 52:36 - Is sheet level usage auditing possible?
- 53:08 - What is the best custom sheet size?
- 54:11 - Can you create a square pie chart?
- 55:39 - Can you specify column width in a Pivot Table?
- 56:03 - Plans for folder organization options?
- 56:23 - Plans for a date slider for start and end date?
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