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STT - Debugging Qlik Application Automation

This session addresses:
- Exploring templates & connectors
- Understanding functionality
- Debugging complex automations

00:00 - Intro

01:25 - Getting Started Resources

01:42 - How many automations are free?

02:03 - How to find templates

03:09 - Getting started with GitHub template

04:24 - First run sending file to GitHub

05:52 - Seeing the changes in GitHub

06:38 - Block settings details

08:36 - Missing App ID error

09:22 - 2 apps with same name

10:06 - Variable Settings Block

11:00 - Condition Block

12:20 - Export Blocks

12:58 - Mapping Outputs and Inputs

14:52 - Debugging the Test Payload

16:52 - Troubleshooting Invalid Blocks

17:58 - Disabling blocks

19:36 - Adding an Output block

20:02 - Per block view vs Chronological

21:22 - Debugging Error Handling

24:45 - Adding error alerts

27:11 - Limiting block outputs

28:06 - Blocks with Loop Structure

29:02 - Test Runs

30:27 - Exporting Automations / Download workspace

30:55 - Importing Automation / Upload workspace

31:49 - Adding Comments

33:12 - Q&A: Only for SaaS?

33:27 - Q&A: How to see contents of a variable?

35:42 - Q&A: How to find Automations?

36:17 - Q&A: Whate are the limitations?

37:07 - Q&A: How to see the number of used runs?

37:35 - Q&A: What is the pricing model?

38:03 - Q&A: Can it do a Server Health Check?

38:17 - Q&A: What connectors are available?

40:19 - Q&A: How to do task / reload chaining?

42:17 - Q&A: Can it move apps to a shared space?

43:29 - Q&A: Can it limit automations per user?

44:01 - Q&A: What are the In-App Button limits?

44:43 - Q&A: How can you see ongoing automations?

45:09 - Q&A: Which automations do I have access to?

45:30 - Q&A: What security settings are there?

46:39 - Q&A: How many blocks in one automation?



Getting started with Qlik Application Automation

Limitations documentation on Help

Available Automation Connectors

Application Automation Forum

Getting started with the GitLab connector in Qlik Application Automation

How to build long-running task chains in Qlik Application Automation



Q: Is there a plan for Qlik data transfer to kick off an automation?

A: For now, we only have webhooks that listen to app.reloaded & events. I’m not sure if Qlik DataTransfer supports it but if you can call a URL after the transfer has finished, you could use a triggered automation. More on that here: Triggered automations

Q: Please can you investigate the integration of ZOHO Books Connector?

A: You can ask for new connectors through the Qlik Application Automation page in ideation or by discussing this with your account manager.

Q: Can we link one automation to another?

A: Yes, you can use the Call Automation block to start an automation from inside another one : Call Automation block

You could also work with triggered automations and call them from the Call URL block:

  1.       Call URL block
  2.       Triggered automations

Q: Is it possible to run automations from an external site via the Qlik Sense SaaS APIs?

A: Yes, by setting the automation’s run mode to triggered: Triggered automations . Next month, we’ll also be releasing a new API to manage automations

Q: Can you trigger outside scripts from Python in automations in SaaS?

A: If you make these outside hosted scripts available through an API, you could use the Call URL block to trigger them.


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