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Where should I go to find training content and/or classes for NPrinting 17.3 for Qlik Sense? I've done a lot of searching on Qlik's site and on YouTube, but what little I've found is very minimal, or done blazingly fast. I'd like to find some kind of in-depth NPrinting training so that I can start using the software.
As it's a new product the documentation is sparse although they've just released some documents on bennchmarking which was useful.
I've found in some cases the old .16 documents can be reused.
Are you talking about product configuration or report development?
In regards to configuration and setup Help document is all what you need.
In regards to report development you can use NPrinting 16 materials and videos.
As most of development is based on your MsOffice or HTML skills you dont need any special NPrinitng training.
I would say that the only template which would need additional materials is PixelPerfect as it only covers briefly main topics.
Thanks Lech. I was trying to find materials on report development. Since we're using NPrinting via Qlik Sense, I wasn't sure whether NPrinting training related to QlikView was relevant. Also, based on the initial NPrinting interface I've seen, I can't figure out how you're supposed to know what object is what when all you can see are object IDs, and not, say, icons or something.
Hello Steve,
You can contact me for the Nprinting training with Qliksense,I am providing online/classroom training of the same with Qliksense,
for more details,send your query details on following email address:
Thanks & Regards,
In Qlik sense give a titles to all your objects you need in NPrinitng. Those titles will appear then next to your IDs once you refresh metadata.
I understand that titles show up in NPrinting, but there are still two problems:
1. Unless the title is very descriptive, there's still confusion about which object is what.
2. I don't need or want to give every single object in every app a title - and even for ones with titles, I don't want to have to create a highly descriptive title just for NPrinting purposes.
It just seems like the best option would be to provide icon pictures of the objects within NPrinting, so we could visually see what was available and easily drop it into our templates. Until they do that, I just don't see how NPrinting is something we'll be using much.
I've always been told to keep my NPrinting Qlik apps seperate of my main apps for performance reasons this should.
1. Reduce the number of chart objects you have available to your NPriniting report so easier to manage.
2. Your report will publish quicker as you limit the app size.
3. Just because you include a title in the chart you dont need to show it you have the option to hide it in apperance and just use it for your reference.
I agree they could make it easier to see the chart objects in desgin mode but persevere with it as the reports generated can be a real value add to your existing investment in Qlik. Hope this helps.
100 % agree with Andy!
here is why: https://community.qlik.com/thread/260840?q=qvw%20size
Also with NPrinting 17.4 (or new version to be released in June) we will get some hints/icons representing objects
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