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Troubleshooting SAP Connector 2/14

First steps on how to troubleshoot "SAP" Connector for QlikView

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Q&A - Troubleshooting SAP Connector

Q: No release mix: does it mean that you might have a problem when 2 SAP landscapes have complete different releases: for example 1 landscape with SAP 4.6B and the other with 6.00. The transports for both system are different, thus 2 different QV servers?

A: Two solutions here: 1) install the most recent Connector, which supports the LOWEST SAP release in your environment. 2) install (additionally) the newest Connector in parallel by a) rename the dll files of the older version previously. You can use a variable later in the script to decide which DLL to use (SET vSAPConnectorVersion = 5_1; CUSTOMCONNECT ... QvSAPConnector_$(vSAPConnectorVersion).dll).

Q: If I have a dedicated sap application server just for QV Reload; which value should be used for Buffer Percentage?

A: As the memory handling of the shared memory seems to bit unstable for huge data, I would not set it tot high. Additionally, sill some other processes will make use of the memory, too. Increase by 10% steps and check if still all packages arrive. There would be no need to have more buffer configured that you need to fetch the wanted # of records / package size. A package of 50.000 for example would be large enough.

Q: Connector is needed to install on every Developers ( publisher ) computer. Does everyone need a license?

A: The # of QVC license is connected to the number of server licenses (yes: there is no technical reason). So, the developers will all use the same license

Q: Do the customer need a BW license to use the Extractor Connector?

A: From a technical point there is no need, but as we cannot say anything about SAP's license model.

Q: is it possible to continue a download from data out of the sap when the connection was lost? Like A continue in a download manager? Normally if the connection was lost QlikView stopped and download and returns to the script

A: No. Once a RFC connection was interrupted, it cannot be revoked.

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