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Troubleshooting failed reload tasks in QlikView Publisher 06/14

This session will focus on finding the source of reload failures in QlikView Publisher. A failed task may have many different reasons for failing, and we will go through the most common ones and how to resolve them. We will also try to provide some insight into when a failed task is an indication of a general resource problem.

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Q&A - Troubleshooting failed reload tasks in QlikView Publisher

Q: ­reloads always lock the source?  For example: SQL Server­

A: No, as long as the data source accepts multiple connections, like SQL does, no lock is done on the source database.

Q: ­where are these logs located? ­

A: Standard log location for Task (and script logs if enabled) is C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\DistributionService\1\Log and then the date for the log you want to look at.

Q: ­Don’t we need to do registry changes if CPU cores should be increased beyond 9? ­

A: The registry change mentioned is to increase the size of the Desktop Heap, which is set relatively small for non-interactive instances (Services running tasks for example) as standard. This has nothing to do with the number of cores in the machine though, but MIGHT affect the number of possible simultaneous engines. Qlik would advise to not modify this registry key unless you start seeing error messages in the Windows System Event log about the Desktop Heap being exhausted. Regular scheduled server restarts normally makes this a non-issue.

Q: ­If not NAS what is recommended? ­

A: QlikView Publisher only supports Windows-managed storage, so local storage or a standard Windows file share are most commonly used. SAN storage is also supported, as that drive is managed by the Windows system it is mounted to.

Q: ­When we use Seniti can be mounted only to one server right...what if that server comes down­

A: Setting up a fault-tolerant Windows environment is beyond the scope of Support. Normally this would be done utilizing a Windows Failover Cluster.

Q: ­is it possible to attach the document log to the email alert when a task is aborted? ­

A: The standard alert email contains a snippet of the task log for the failed tasks. We are considering a Feature request where we would also include a direct link to the folder location of the logs for the failed task to be included in the Alert email, as attaching the full log files might create problems with email size and email filters.

Q: ­Can you add the script error to the task error, so that you can immediately see what the error is­

A: This is something not currently available, since the Script log has to be enabled to be generated at all. Normally one would only enable script logging during active troubleshooting, and then for the affected document only.

Q: ­If reload is running for long time and occupying most of the RAM and not giving any error, does it indicate the issue with the script­

A: It MIGHT indicate that there is an issue with the script, but it is more likely to indicate that the system is under-dimensioned or that the data volume being retrieved is very big. Each such instance would have to be analyzed, and Qlik Support can help out with that analysis if needed.

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