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"This prediction failed to run successfully due to schema errors" can occur during the prediction phase if there is a mismatch in the table schema between training and prediction datasets.
In this example, we will show how a column in the prediction dataset was profiled as a categorical rather than numeric because it contained dashes '-' for empty values.
1. Upload test_dash_training.csv and test_dash_prediction.csv to Qlik Cloud. See attachments on the article if you would like to download.
Training dataset:
Prediction sample:
2. Create a new ML experiment and choose test_dash_training.csv, and click 'Run Experiment'
3. Deploy the top model
5. Create a new prediction and select test_dash_prediction.csv as the apply dataset
You will encounter a warning message, "Feature type does not match the required model schema."
If you continue, you will encounter another message after clicking 'Save and predict now'.
6. If you click 'Save configuration', the prediction will attempt to run but will not produce prediction dataset and will display an error.
Clean up dashes from 'chats' column in test_dash_prediction.csv. Either remove them from the prediction dataset or transform to a numeric value such as zero.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
This Techspert Talks session addresses:
Q: I understand that I can invoke a production model through an API from Python. Are there any limitations to doing this?
A: We provide the APIs to invoke a model for real time predictions. These can be called from any platform/language like all Qlik’s APIs. In the case of python, the customer would call this using a library such as “requests”. This functionality is only available for customers on a paid for tier. More details can be found here.
Q: Is there a maximum amount of data sets which can be used for ML experiments?
A: For each ML experiment, it uses one dataset. There is no set limit on the number of datasets made available in Qlik Catalog, but there are limitations on the size of datasets.
Regarding dataset size, there are 2 limits in play:
1. The dataset size limit as set in the tier model.
a. Included: 100K cells
b. StartUp: 1M cells
c. ScaleUp: 10M cells
d. Premier: 100M cells
The data must be profiled by the catalog and this currently has a limit of 1GB file size. By using QVD or Parquet data files you can process more data.
How To Get Started with Qlik AutoML
Qlik AutoML Demonstration Overview
Introduction to Qlik AutoML (Learning.Qlik.com)
Machine learning with Qlik AutoML (Help.Qlik.com)
Qlik AutoML on Qlik Cloud - sample data
Qlik Continuous Classroom AutoML courses
This article provides step by step guidelines for uploading a dataset (csv from local machine), creating a model, deploying a model, and generating predictions with Qlik AutoML on Qlik Cloud environment.
Qlik AutoML: Overview of SHAP values
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
This is a guide to get you started working with Qlik AutoML.
AutoML is an automated machine learning tool in a code free environment. Users can quickly generate models for classification and regression problems with business data.
Qlik AutoML is available to customers with the following subscription products:
Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS
Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS Add-On to Client-Managed
Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS - Government (US) and Qlik Sense Business does not support Qlik AutoML
For subscription tier information, please reach out to your sales or account team to exact information on pricing. The metered pricing depends on how many models you would like to deploy, dataset size, API rate, number of concurrent task, and advanced features.
Qlik AutoML is a part of the Qlik Cloud SaaS ecosystem. Code changes for the software including upgrades, enhancements and bug fixes are handled internally and reflected in the service automatically.
AutoML supports Classification and Regression problems.
Binary Classification: used for models with a Target of only two unique values. Example payment default, customer churn.
Customer Churn.csv (see downloads at top of the article)
Multiclass Classification: used for models with a Target of more than two unique values. Example grading gold, platinum/silver, milk grade.
MilkGrade.csv (see downloads at top of the article)
Regression: used for models with a Target that is a number. Example how much will a customer purchase, predicting housing prices
AmesHousing.csv (see downloads at top of the article)
What is AutoML (14 min)
Exploratory Data Analysis (11 min)
Model Scoring Basics (14 min)
Prediction Influencers (10 min)
Qlik AutoML Complete Walk Through with Qlik Sense (24 min)
Non video:
How to upload data, training, deploying and predicting a model
Data for modeling can be uploaded from local source or via data connections available in Qlik Cloud.
You can add a dataset or data connection with the 'Add new' green button in Qlik Cloud.
There are a variety of data source connections available in Qlik Cloud.
Once data is loaded and available in Qlik Catalog then it can be selected to create ML experiments.
AutoML uses variety of data science pre-processing techniques such as Null Handling, Cardinality, Encoding, Feature Scaling. Additional reference here.
Please reference these articles to get started using the realtime-prediction API
By leveraging Qlik Cloud, predicted results can be surfaced in Qlik Sense to visualize and draw additional conclusions from the data.
How to join predicted output with original dataset
If you need additional help please reach out to the Support group.
It is helpful if you have tenant id and subscription info which can be found with these steps.
Please check out our articles in the AutoML Knowledge Base.
Or post questions and comments to our AutoML Forum.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
The scheduling feature is now available in Qlik AutoML to run a prediction on a daily, weekly, or monthly cadence.
1. Open a deployed model from Qlik Catalog
2. Navigate to 'Dataset predictions' and click on 'Create prediction' on bottom right
3. Select Apply Dataset, Name prediction datset, select your options, then click on 'Create Schedule'
4. Set your schedule options you would like to follow then click confirm
5. Your options now are to 'Save and close' (this will not run a prediction until the next scheduled) or 'Save and predict now' (this will run a prediction now in addition to the schedule)
Note: Users need to ensure the predicted dataset is updated and refreshed ahead of the prediction schedule.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
I needed to test a ML experiment recently with a QVD instead of a csv file.
Here are the steps I followed below to create a QVD file which was then available in Catalog.
1. Upload the local csv dataset (or xlsx,etc) and analyze which will create an analytics app
2. Open up the app and navigate to "Data Load Editor"
3. Add a new section under the Auto-generated section (with the + symbol marked with a red arrow above. Note this section must run after the Auto-generated section or will error the data is not loaded.
Add the following statement:
Store train into [lib://DataFiles/train.qvd];
Store tablename into [lib://DataFiles/tablename.qvd];
4. Run "Load data"
5. Check Catalog for recently created QVD
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
During the 'Create' phase of an AutoML experiment, there is a section at the right hand pane called 'Data Treatment'.
This section tracks any Feature Type changes you make to your training dataset.
I started the process of creating a ML experiment for the Ames housing dataset.
Then I changed 'Wood Deck SF' and 'Open porch SF' to Categorical instead of Numeric type under the 'Feature Type' column.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
For models with binary targets, there are extra model metrics which can be selected from the drop down in addition to the default metrics.
To access, follow these steps from the Model Experiment output.
The additional metrics are:
Miss rate
Log Loss
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
Qlik Application Automation has a "Call URL" block that allows you to call a URL when the automation needs data from a URL or when it needs to send data to a URL. This article explains how this block can be used to run a Qlik AutoML prediction right from the Qlik Application Automation.
The Call URL block calls a URL, typically from an API.
Ex: https://{enter_your_automl_env_here}/api/v1/automl/graphql
Ex: ML Deployment Url:
Deployment Id: 5048076e-xxxx-43fa-b79e-a8a45b316b08
Step 1(List Predictions): First we need to call the API to list the prediction datasets from a deployed model. For this, we need to add proper ‘query” and “variable” params in the call URL block.
You can use the ‘Raw Input’ option to enter these parameters.
IMP Note: Your ML Deployment model must have at least one dataset prediction to run.
Please copy the following JSON and replace the deploymentId with your deploymentId you got from ML Deployment Url and paste it into the automation after triggering the raw input option of ‘Params’.
"query": "query Predictions($filter: PredictionFilter) {\r\n predictions(filter: $filter) { total rows { id } }}",
"variables": {
"filter": {
"deploymentId": "5048076e-xxxx-43fa-xxxx-a8a45b316b08"
Output from this Call Url block will contain the list of Ids of Prediction datasets from your selected ML Deployment.
Step 2(Run Prediction): Now we need to call the RunPrediction API with the prediction dataset Id we obtained in the previous step as the input. For this, we need to add proper ‘query” and “variable” params in the call URL block.
You can use the ‘Raw Input’ option to enter these params
Please copy the following JSON and replace the predictionID with the predictionID you got in the output in the previous step and paste it into the automation after triggering the raw input option of ‘Params’.
"query": "mutation RunPrediction($predictionId: String!) { runPrediction(predictionId: $predictionId) { info { id status } }}",
"variables": {
"predictionId": "c1bdbd62-xxxx-40e0-xxxx-b10c5bd7d350"
Running this will run the Prediction dataset whose Id you provided.
We have attached an example template showcasing the above automation as a JSON file. You can upload(import) this file into your application automation.
You can find the process to import the file into automation here: How-to-import-and-export-automations
The information in this article is provided as-is and will be used at your discretion. Depending on the tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
This article outlines the steps for generating API keys for AutoML in the Qlik Cloud environment. API keys can be used for real time prediction pipelines.
1. Log into your Qlik Cloud Environment
2. Navigate to Management Console
3. On left hand side scroll down to Integration-> API Keys
4. Click to open this page. On the right hand side click 'Generate Keys'
An API key is generated.
Copy the API key and store it in a safe place.
Note: you need developer role on your tenant to generate API keys.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
After generating model predictions in Qlik AutoML on Qlik Cloud, you can view the data in a Qlik Sense App. This way the data is hosted in the Cloud and you can view your output with Qlik Sense while it remains staged in the Catalog.
Viewing predictions helps to understand the model output and is also useful in generating visualizations.
For this example, we pick up from the previous article (Qlik AutoML: How to upload, model, deploy, and predict on the Qlik Cloud platform) after we have generated the predictions.
Note: in this example, there is an 'ID' column linking all tables together in a 1-to-1 relationship.
More info to come about Visualizations you can create in Qlik Sense!
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
The goal of this article is to give an overview of SHAP values which are generated from Qlik AutoML model predictions. SHAP values serve as a way to measure variable importance and how much they influence the predicted value of the model.
SHAP Importance explained
SHAP Importance represents how a feature influences the prediction of a single row relative to the other features in that row and to the average outcome in the dataset.
The goal of SHAP is to explain the prediction of an instance x by computing the contribution of each feature to the prediction. The SHAP explanation method computes Shapley values from coalitional game theory. The feature values of a data instance act as players in a coalition. Shapley values tell us how to fairly distribute the "payout" (the prediction) among the features. A player can be an individual feature value or a group of feature values.
For more information and mathy fun please reference this chapter from Interpretable Machine Learning:
Medical Cost Personal dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mirichoi0218/insurance
Note: I added an ID column, but not including as a feature
age, sex, bmi, children (number of), smoker, region
I uploaded this dataset into Qlik Cloud and generated 4 models. Random Forest Regression was the champion model.
From the UI, we see the SHAP Importance visualization. This shows that smoker, age, and bmi are the top 3 prediction influencers. Meaning their values have the most effect on the predicted charges.
Understanding how the values are calculated
I deployed the model and generated predictions from the Qlik Cloud interface. At this point you can open the data as a Qlik Sense app and combine the predicted output table with the original dataset (see Qlik AutoML: How to join predicted output to original trained dataset).
This is an example of the original table combined with the SHAP values by record.
Click the image below to enlarge.
Example interpretation of record 1001->
Smoker_SHAP value is 19315 which represents the following:
How much does Smoker=Yes affect the amount of charges given that the account holder is a Female, 19 years old, has a bmi of 27.9, has no children, and is in the Southwest region.
The sum of Shapley values for each row is how much that rows prediction differs from average.
Average Predicted Charges (across all records) = 13511.5
Sum of SHAP values = 3396
Predicted charges manual SHAP calculation = 16908
sumSHAPS is a calculated column of the sum of the SHAP values in the record.
f(x) = age_SHAP+sex_SHAP+bmi_SHAP+smoker_SHAP+children_SHAP+region_SHAP
shaps_avgpredcharges is sumSHAPS+average(predicted_charges)
f(x) = sumSHAPS+13511.5
Charges is from the original dataset
Charges_predicted is the model predicted value
Value of generated SHAP values
The _SHAP values can be used in visualizations and further analysis to understand which features are driving the model predictions. For 1001, smoking increased total charges while non-smokers this led to reduced charges.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
Before accepting a Project share from another user (by clicking either the link or the button in the share invite email) you need to be logged in to the AutoML platform.
If you are prompted to login when accepting the share, the share will not be successful; accepting the share when you're already logged in will result in a successful share.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
Special characters in Snowflake column names may prevent the dataset from being processed correctly. Avoid using < > [ ] { } characters in your column names in Snowflake tables.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
Below are guidelines when using Domo as a source data provider.
1. Domo datasets with a forward slash ("/") in the dataset name may result in the ingestion of two datasets, each named on either side of the slash. Avoid using a slash in the dataset name.
2. If your dataset contains column names with spaces (e.g. "Annual Revenue") your dataset may fail to be processed correctly. Avoid spaces in column names.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
To avoid unexpected errors, ensure that your datasets - both training and apply - do not contain carriage returns and other non-standard "new line" characters.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
When viewing or refreshing the list of available datasets, you may see one or more "ghost" datasets that have been deleted from your data provider and are no longer available for analysis or predictions.
When you select one of these datasets, a yellow caution icon will be displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, along with a:
"Error requesting stats. sql: no rows in result set" hover message.
Because the dataset is not actually available, you will be unable to proceed with using the dataset for analysis or predictions. This situation will be resolved in a future update, so that datasets that are no longer available will not be displayed in the dataset list.
This affects Qlik AutoML on the Kraken platform.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
The automation built in this article won't be a perfect fit for every churn problem since every company has different customers and different data. The main goal of this article is to provide the right pointers and tips to build your own churn solution and to show what's possible when it comes to machine learning and automations.
This article explains how to build an automation that uses Qlik AutoML to predict the churn risk for customers. In this example, the following tools and systems are used:
The following image provides an overview of how these systems are tied together by the automation:
Before the automation can be built, a few steps need to be undertaken to ensure that all systems can work together.
1. Customer records
Export your CRM customer records to a CSV file. This should include old customers that have churned.
2. AutoML(Legacy) model
Use the dataset from the previous step to train a model in AutoML.
Once the model is trained, deploy it so it can be used in automation.
3. Prepare CRM
Not every CRM contains fields to store churn risk (0% - 100%) or a churn prediction (yes/no). If you plan on writing this information back to your CRM, add these fields to the customer object.
4. MySQL database
Create a new MySQL database to store customer information together with the churn risk. This database will be used to import records to your Qlik Sense App. You can use a different type of database or directly load the customers by creating a new connection in the Load Script.
5. Qlik Sense App
Build a new Qlik Sense App that you'll use to analyze the customer records and their churn risk. Make sure to feed the app with data from the previous step.
6. Marketing campaign
We'll automatically assign customers with a too-high churn risk to a marketing campaign that focuses on churn risk. In this example, we'll be using Marketo but this can be changed to any marketing campaign solution you use in your organization.
Our Marketo instance is set up to assign leads (customers) that are added to a certain list, to a marketing campaign that's connected to that list.
Once the prerequisites are completed, the automation can be built. Go to your Qlik Sense tenant and create a new automation.
Since this automation only processes new and updated records from the CRM, it's best to configure its run mode to Scheduled to make sure the automation is executed every x minutes. In this example, we've used 15 minutes but this will depend on your use case and type of customers.
Go here for more information on automation run modes.
Attached to this article, you'll find an exported version of the above automation as 'Predict Customer Churn Risk automation.json' See the How to import and export automations article to learn how to import exported automations.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
Qlik AutoML empowers users with automated machine learning capabilities to build and deploy machine learning models with native connectors to leading enterprise data warehouses and business intelligence systems.
Open the management console and go to "Setttings", right below the "Feature control" section you will have to enable the "Machine learning endpoints" option.
Double-click on top of the .gif to expand it
Once the option "Machine learning endpoints" has been activated the connector will appear for all the users.