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Hi, I'm pretty new to Qlikview and I need help to create a chart in which for each customer(customers list loaded from the erp database) I can add comments and comments date and save it for future use
I am using an Inputfield for input comments, but i do not know how to save and retrieve comments data
Can someone help me?
Thank you very much
Data in input fields is stored per user in the .shared file on the Qlikview Server. You cannot retrieve that for other users than yourself. If you need to exchange comments with other users then you need something like IInsight for Qlikview
QlikView server using the Ajax client allows you to annotate charts and save/share comments with other users. This option is not available with the IE Plugin, you must use Ajax to add notes.
Notes can save a bookmark so users can view the same data that note relates to. This post has more details
Sorry, maybe I explained myself wrong,
I need to use input fields in pivot table so each user can input values on lines for customer(comment date and comment/value)
User can input for each customer different line specifying different dates so then they can filter on date field
For example, the end result could be
The goal is to keep those values because different users must input and the values have to be shared.
Thank you very much
What you want is not possible with input fields. As I said the values are stored per user and cannot be shared. Qlikview is not a data entry application. You'll have to do the data entry part in another application. Perhaps you can use an excel file that the users fill with their comments data.